Windows 10 Anniversary Update (32bit) connectivity issues with Scomis Hosted Applications
We have become aware of an issue caused by the recent Microsoft Anniversary Update to Windows 10 which appears to have introduced a bug affecting a 32bit Windows 10 computer’s ability to establish a remote connection usually with a ‘Security Package Error’, including to our Hosted Application service. Users are unable to connect to the remote session and receive error messages relating to RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol).
Whilst waiting for a fix from Microsoft we have found a workaround which involves restoring the original versions (10.0.10586.589) of the files mstsc.exe and mstscax.dll into the folder C:\Windows\System32. We have made the appropriate versions of these files available to download from the link above, and they should also be found in the folder C:\Windows.Old\System32 on the affected machines.