
Sims Assessment – KS5 Resources – *NEW 4/11/19

This enables schools to have a report similar to the Ready Reckoner used by OFSTED to show the value added score of the school, subjects and students at KS5.

What is in the English KS5 Resources?

NEW 4/11/19 Now updated to 2019 Value Added figures. Please note that this latest version requires the KS4 average points score to be in the new 0-9 points range, not the old 0-58 points range.

ExcelCAS Post16 VA Ready Reckoner v4

CAS Post 16 Value Added Ready Reckoner Instructions 3.1

CAS Post16 VA Ready Reckoner v4

Post 16 Ready Reckoner Y12 GA output 201920

The resources above also contain instructions.  These instructions are based on the Excel spreadsheet Ready_reckoner_-_Unnamed_2018, provided by the DfE in October 2018, and so any questions about the list of subjects and the calculations thus produced from the value added data included in the spreadsheet, should be addressed to the DfE.




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