General Housekeeping Routines – VIDEO
This video is a guide for general housekeeping routines in SIMS.
This video is a guide for general housekeeping routines in SIMS.
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To access Service Terms in SIMS go to Tools > Staff > Pay Related Press ‘Search’ Locate the required Service Term in the list and press ‘Open’ In Tab 2: Pay Awards click on ‘New’ to add a new Pay Scale You will then need to add a unique code, description, minimum and maximum…
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This is usually because the registration tutor is not allocated to the registration group in the pastoral structure. Go to…
If the school has changed the Dfe Number in you will also need to request a new Secure Access Account (S2S,Collect & Teachernet). The old Dfe number and username/password will remain available for 6 months so that the school can still download files for that account. Please complete the form on the Secure Access…
If you get a “SIMS Command Line Reporter” error when running Parent Pay please check the log files found in : F:\Public\ParentPay\Users\username\Logs\ In the logs it may say the error “Root element is missing.” Please follow the steps to fix this issue: Log into MIS Sync Go to Tools > Settings > SIMS and check…