SIMS Discover Documentation & Training Courses
Discover Managing Assessment Graphs
Click Here for Discover training course for Primary School.
Click Here for Discover training course for Secondary School.
Discover Managing Assessment Graphs
Click Here for Discover training course for Primary School.
Click Here for Discover training course for Secondary School.
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Discover icon missing from SIMS. If you are logged into Scomis Hosted 2016 and Discover is missing please try the following fix: Open File Manager from the shortcuts. Type in the following replacing * with your username: C:\Users\***********\Windows\SIMS.INI Example C:\Users\Jill.Foster45\Windows\SIMS.INI The SIMS.ini file will open in notepad. Update the link which says: SIMSDiscoverDirectory=G:\Discover Client\ to:…
Discover | Percentage Session Attendance Year to Date or Percentage Lesson Attendance Year to Date graphs. Calculations for the Attendance Year to Date graphs in Discover are made as of the last data transfer, with the default transfer time set to after midnight unless it is manually run or the transfer schedule changed. This means that…
Within Discover it is possible to view the Pupil/Student percentage attendance in a graphical format. To access the Percentage Attendance graph you will need to click on the Attendance option and drag the Percentage Attendance Year To Date report onto the blank canvas. Once dragged onto the canvas the information will be displayed as a…
Percentage Attendance figures produced by a Discover Percentage Attendance Graph are different when compared with the figures produced by an Attendance / Lesson Monitor report. This is due to the way that Discover calculates attendance figures as an average, therefore the data will not always match. The differences are because the Discover graphs and…
If your School uses Assessment Manager, Discover is included in the license for that product. If you do not have Assessment Manager you will need to purchase licenses either via your local authority or from ESS if you have a Direct SIMS License. How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5….
Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available within Discover (a change request has been logged with Capita). However ‘Termly graphs’ have been included in the Autumn 2013 release of Discover. These will include reports to show termly Behaviour points, Achievement points and Percentage Session Attendance. How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it!…