4Matrix Upgrades

15-1-2020 NOTE – Due to a change in the installer for 4Matrix the customer can no longer Update 4Matrix.
A request will have to be sent to the Service Desk and updated on a school by school basis.
This will be looked into further.


A new launcher process has been developed that will put the upgrade process in the hands of the school. 

When the school user launches 4Matrix, the scripts will check if the user has permission to update, check if they are the only person accessing 4Matrix and then check for an upgrade.  During this process, other users will be prevented from accessing 4Matrix.

This is a clear benefit to schools as they can choose if they want to take the upgrade or not.

It will only affect schools where users have been added to the Active Directory Group 4MatrixAdmin

Schools may ask why this new functionality has been introduced and who has access to it.

We have introduced this solution to lower the Scomis management of 4Matrix allowing the 4Matrix Administrator to choose when to apply the upgrade.

Schools will not benefit from this change if they do not have any users that are part of the automatic logon for 4Matrix.  These schools will no longer receive updates applied to 4Matrix by the S+N team.

(A change control was also logged – F0307394)

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