
Backup SIMS and FMS

Ensure that you have a recent full backup of your system in place and that all users are out of SIMS.
1. Go to Start / Control Panel / Scheduled Tasks.

2.Right click on SQL Backup Task (could also be called “executebackups“) and select Run.

3.To check the backup has been successful go to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SIMS2008\MSSQL\Data\sqlbackup
If you are using a dedicated server (F:\public\SIMS) the path above could be:
D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SIMS2008|MSSQL\Data\sqlbackup.
There should be: FMS.bak, master.bak, msdb.bak and SIMS.bak files with the date and time the scheduled task was run.


Reviewed on 26/05/2015

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