SLG – Homework in SIMS and SLG
Homework in and Learning Gateway
It is now possible for Homework to be recorded in SIMS and this viewed by parents in SIIMS Learning Gateway.
This is a cost option from Capita, which some schools might want to use.
There are two parts to this module – the web parts for SLG
A Parent will see a timeline of the current three weeks.
The Double Chevrons allow the user to go back and forwards a week
Homework shows in a Gantt chart type display with a start and end of the bar
Clicking on each subject homework gives more details
There is a title, brief description that could include a hyperlink to a VLE, or other website.
It records the lesson; teacher and date set, and gives the due date with a reminder of how many days left.
Homework can be set from the register. The teacher selects a group and clicks the Homework link in the Links tab
The Teacher then fills in the details of the Homework – lesson and teacher details are automatic
The Teacher then saves and the Homework becomes available.
To arrange a demonstration or find out details of Costs for Licence and Annual Entitlement please email
Reviewed on 26/05/2015