Switching from a single to a double award

Students following a single award course may be identified as able to enter the double award exam – what is the correct way of dealing with this in Course Manager?

You will need to create a new double award course and transfer the students from the single award course to the double award course.  Failure to do this correctly may result in duplicate learning aims or you may miss the success factor for the double award students.

  1. Open the existing single award course and protect the membership for those students who are being entered for the double award.
  2. Change the end date to reflect when it was decided to enter them for the double award.
  3.  Leave the planned end date unchanged.
  4. Select Transferred as the Status.
  5. Remember to protect the memberships for all the transferred students as in point 1.
  6. Create a new course for the double award  – e.g. Health and Social Care / GCE AS Double Award with the correct QAN/discount code.
  7. Make sure the both Auto Update ticks are removed.
  8. Click on Members and manually attach the students who are being entered for the double award.


Reviewed on 28/05/2015

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