Can I use Google Chrome
There is no reason why schools can not use Google Chrome as an alternative web browser
Reviewed 01/04/2015
There is no reason why schools can not use Google Chrome as an alternative web browser
Reviewed 01/04/2015
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In order to fully uninstall the Scomis Hosted Applications Connector, the following steps will need to be taken…
Windows Firewall must be disabled on the Main Admin PC (Server) for Sims & FMS to work, and on workstations to allow remote access.
It is not unusual to request for a Hosted SIMS username to be changed. This is usually due to a change of surname after becoming married. If you wish to change a member of staffs SIMS username, please change the surname in all relevant places of SIMS first, i.e. Personnel and after doing so, please…
If the allowance is a preset one then go to…
When attaching a document to a student record through linked documents you will be offered 3 options. Public, Private or Confidential. If Public is chosen then the document/information is available to all users. Anyone who can view student data can view this. If Private is chosen then the document/information is only available for the user…
When adding new users or controlling existing users access rights, you may find that you want the user to be able to access a specific area, but the pre-defined permission groups either give them too much or not enough permission to allow the user to do this. Within SIMS, go to Focus > System Manager…