How to setup Outlook 2007 for Easymail
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Last reviewed 22/12/14
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Last reviewed 22/12/14
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The SWGfL Managed Service provide by Research Machine (RM) blocks SPAM. For example – In the week commencing 16th of May the service received 24,612,942 emails…
There may be times when a Junk and SPAM filter will pickup emails which you want to read. To stop this from happening you can add an email sender to you Safe Senders list. Office 365 If you use Office 365 you can do this by Signing into your Office 365 web app At the…
If a school uses the South West Grid for Learning / RM for their email provider (RM Easymail) then it is possible to link these accounts with Microsoft Outlook. For the different versions of Microsoft Outlook please view the following connection settings and instructions on how to set this up: Microsoft Outlook 2013 Open Microsoft Outlook, click the File…
Use EasyMail advanced filters to automatically forward email to other members of staff based on content type or sender information.
When configuring an email application to use the Scomis/SWGfL Smart hosts, it is essential that you check that your Domain SPF Record allows Scomis to send email on behalf of your email domain. SPF, or Sender Protection Framework, as a system that prevents unauthorised computers from sending email from your internet domain name. This significantly…
DocX files are generated through Word 2007 and are incompatible with earlier office versions.
There is a compatibility pack on the Microsoft website which will allow ….