How do I Design a Report with Sub Reports?
Below is a Sims Helpsheet on How to Design a Report with Sub Reports
How to Design a Report with Sub Reports
Reviewed on: 15/02/18
Below is a Sims Helpsheet on How to Design a Report with Sub Reports
How to Design a Report with Sub Reports
Reviewed on: 15/02/18
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To enable Performance Analysis, it is necessary to enter QCA subject codes into basedata if they have not already been supplied by the Boards. To attach QCA codes, Use Focus | Basedata to open the Basedata window showing the Basedata for the current season. Expand e.g. EDEXL/GCE to show the Series 6C06_EDEXL GCE. Expand this…
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When trying to download DCC Finance Forms – I am getting an error saying link has been removed. Who do I contact? Forms – Support for schools ( When selecting Finance Forms and Cheque Pay In Form I get the following error … Please report any issues with School Forms downloads to the contact…