Creating an Options Solution – Quick Reference Sheet
Creating an Options Solution – Quick Reference Sheet.
Creating an Options Solution – Quick Reference Sheet
Reviewed 29/10/2015
Creating an Options Solution – Quick Reference Sheet.
Creating an Options Solution – Quick Reference Sheet
Reviewed 29/10/2015
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Non Hosted schools will need to re-download the HCSS Web Companion due to changes that HCSS have implemented. In order to download the companion you will need to log into the HCSS Web Portal and go to the School tab. From here you should be able to select “Download Web Companion” as shown in the…
This FAQ lists the latest information regarding the School Census. It contains information on the latest filesets, patches and errors. To jump to the latest SIMS Census documentation and FAQ’s Click here. For Schools wanting the latest documentation for Census and using Arbor or Bromcom Click here to jump to the relevant section. Register for…
Table of Checks and Fixes DATABASE DIAGNOSTICS To Run Database Diagnostics from SIMS click Tools – System Diagnostics – Database Diagnostics. [NOTE: Do not run this during a busy work period as it may slow SIMS down for other users.] Reviewed on 24/10/2016 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it!…
This facility enables you to write off all or part of an outstanding balance for a selected pupil or staff member. 1. Select Focus | Dinner Money | Pupil (or Staff) Additional Transactions to display the Find Pupil (or Staff) browser 2. Search for and select the required individual. The Pupil (or Staff) Payments and…
Discover icon missing from SIMS. If you are logged into Scomis Hosted 2016 and Discover is missing please try the following fix: Open File Manager from the shortcuts. Type in the following replacing * with your username: C:\Users\***********\Windows\SIMS.INI Example C:\Users\Jill.Foster45\Windows\SIMS.INI The SIMS.ini file will open in notepad. Update the link which says: SIMSDiscoverDirectory=G:\Discover Client\ to:…
1. Go to Focus>Student>Student Details and select the Linked Documents link. Select the applicable Linked Document and click ‘Open’. This will now save the document as a local copy on your machine or open the existing copy you may have. Make any necessary changes to the document and once you are satisfied it is correct, save it. 2. Close the file…