Unable to run Create and Validate on School Census or SWC

In order to resolve this issue you need to import the latest Manifest File.

  • Go to Tools – Setups –  Import Fileset
  • Click on the browse and browse to the Manifest Files Folder e.g F:\Public\Sims\Manifest Files (if you are Hosted Applications Terminal Server), G:\Sims\Manifest Files (if you are networked) or C:\Sims\Manifest Files (if you are stand alone)
  • Locate the latest Fileset – if you are unsure which is the latest then go to the Scomis Bulletin.
  • Double click on the Fileset and click on the Import Fileset button
  • When the import has finished you will see a message bottom left of your screen saying it has been successful
  • Once this has been successful then log out and back into Sims.net
  • You can now go back to the Census/SWC and Create and Validate


Reviewed on 08/04/2016


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