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EYFS 2021 Framework
With regard to the new EYFS 2021 Framework, you may need to change your data entry options from 30-50 and 40-60 to be Birth-3, 3-4 and Reception Year. To reflect the new EYFS 2021 Framework, within Sims, go to: Tools/Performance/Options – tick “revised EYFS from 2020” Schools using the revised EYFS resources should select revised…
Windows 10 Anniversary Update (32bit) connectivity issues with Scomis Hosted Applications
We have become aware of an issue caused by the recent Microsoft Anniversary Update to Windows 10 which appears to have introduced a bug affecting a 32bit Windows 10 computer’s ability to establish a remote connection usually with a ‘Security Package Error’, including to our Hosted Application service. Users are unable to connect to the remote session and receive error…
What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID?
What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID? Schools start using SIMS ID for a variety of reasons. Some use SIMS ID to manage their Active Directories and Office 365 provisioning. Others start with SIMS ID only providing access for parents using Parent App. or students using SIMS Options. Schools that start using SIMS…
Programme of Study Tracking Sheet – “Please import the ResultSet (s)”
You may receive the message “Please import the ResultSet(s)” after clicking on the Populate icon within the Programme of Study Tracking Sheet. (Route: Focus/Assessment/Programme of Study Tracking Entry) You will need to import the following templates/aspects from the AMPA folder: KS4 Assessment mapping Tool aspect PoS KS3 aspect Progress 8 – KS2…
Autumn 2019 Upgrade to SIMS and FMS
Documentation: Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded here: Autumn 2019 Combined Release Notes Autumn 2019 FMS Release Notes The links below show short videos highlighting key information about the enhancements that come as part of the SIMS Summer 2019 release Update to the Linked People at the…
How to Add a Behaviour Incident to a Pupil/Student Record.
You will need to be a member of any of the following User Groups in System Manager to add behaviour incidents: Administration Assistant, Admissions Officer, Attendance Manager, Class Teacher, Pastoral Manager, Registration Tutor, School Administrator, SEN Coordinator, Senior Management Team. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required…