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FPS Web Companion Software – Hosted Applications Customers Instructions
FPS Web companion is a piece of software (provided by HCSS/Capita) that allows users to perform budget planning tasks. The software has two components that extract data from a SIMS or FMS database. These components are known as the FMS link and the P7 link software. This software is now available to all of our Hosted Application customers. If you wish…
Teacher 2 Parents – Invalid Username or Password
When using Teachers 2 Parents to create an extract and update T2P’s an error may occur ‘Invalid username or password’. T2P uses the username Teachers2Parents. This username and password can be checked by logging onto using the username ‘Teachers2Parents’ and the password, (on TS log onto the local install of sims Start>All Programs>sims…
Solus 3 Troubleshooting Tips
Below are some useful tips for troubleshooting issues with Solus 3. Ensure that the Solus Installation Pre Requisites have been met, check list below: All machines that will form part of the SOLUS3 environment, being those that are used for SIMS, SIMS Discover or FMS, will require certain pre-requisites before the installation of the Agent…
External Connector “Incompatible Database” error after an upgrade
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How to remove a machine proxy
Besides a user proxy which may be accessed via Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options there may be a proxy set on the machine itself. To find out open a command prompt and type:- netsh winhttp show proxy This usually comes back with Direct access <no proxy server> If, however, there is a proxy listed it can be removed by…
Direct SQL Access accounts – Hosted Platform – 3rd Party Software Integration
Scomis have reviewed the process of data extractions from SIMS databases by third party applications and in particular by accounts that bypass the sims application (interface) and talk to the sims SQL database directly (known as Direct SQL access). The audit has been completed as a result of the new GDPR regulations coming into force…