OCR Cambridge Technicals – E1 Result for Elements Absent From Imported Basedata.
Schools will need to download the June copy of the basedata and edit the results file. Details on the process can be found on the OCR website.
Schools will need to download the June copy of the basedata and edit the results file. Details on the process can be found on the OCR website.
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When looking at a student’s Individual Registration Attendance report (accessed via links on the right hand side of the student record) you may find that possible attendance varies from one student to another. Attendance codes D, #, Y, X and Z are ‘Attendance Not Required’ codes. As these codes indicate that attendance is not…
Documentation, patches and other information \\ds\docs\Exeter, Great Moor House\EALData\Traded\ScoMIS\Applications Team\Address Validation How is the address validation switched on? Run patch 7186 – this will switch on the service to individually validate addresses Run patch 11328 – this will switch on the bulk address validation service. The Address Validation Service Setup Can be found in Tools / Setups…
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This is a result of setting the Exam Result Embargo. Taking this off will resolve the issue, alternatively once the end date of the embargo has passed the Academic year will reappear. To remove the embargo, from within the Exams Organiser go to Tools/Schools Setup/Results Embargo highlight the current embargo and Delete. Reviewed 24/5/2019…
Code U showing on the register but not on the summary report. Go to Tools>Setups>Attendance Setup>Codes>Late codes Add the late code as appropriate How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
Course Award links can be seen in Exam Organiser in Tools | School Setups | Exam Awards but can no longer be changed here. To link exam awards to courses, use SIMS .net – Tools | Academic Management | Course Manager | Maintain Course. Once the information is saved, the elements will also appear. To link the…