Students taught out of Year in SIMS

Go to Focus > Student/Pupil > Student/Pupil Details and open the student’s record. In Panel 2 Registration the following must be recorded:
  • Year Group
  • Year Taught In
These fields need to correctly reflect the student’s situation. The Year Group is the actual Year that the student should be in based on their date of birth. The Year Taught In is the National Curriculum Year that the student is being taught in.
In England and Wales, the National Curriculum Year Taught In is expected to be the student’s age at the previous 31/08 minus four. If this equals to 0 we expect them to be in Year R, if it is -1 we would expect Year N2, or if it is -2 or less we would expect Year N1.
In situations where a student is the expected age of a Year Group that the School do not actually teach, then we do not recommend this is added to the Pastoral Structure. The Year Group should be the closest option to the Year Group they are aged for and the Year Taught In should be the Year they are being taught in.
For example, a School’s highest NC Year is Year 6. A Year 6 pupil is going to be held back, so they are the age of a Year 7 pupil but will be taught in Year 6. As Year 7 is not in the Pastoral Structure, their Year Group will need to remain as Year 6 and in this scenario, it would also be their Year Taught In.
The School Census collects information for the National Curriculum Year rather than the Year Group, so the Year they are actually being taught in will be collected.
The School Report collects data from the National Curriculum Year, so if a student is in NC Year 9 but Year Group 8, they will be included in the Year 9 figures.

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