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Checking Database Connectivity for SIMS .net and FMS

Sometimes SIMS .net or FMS will just not connect to the database server.  Use this F.A.Q. to help work out if the workstation that you are using can access the database server (this is known as an internally as an ODBC Test).

On the affected workstation/server

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Find Data Sources (ODBC) – usually in the Administrative Tools section
  3. Select the System DSN tab
  4. Click the Add button
  5. Browse down the list of drivers and select “SQL Native Client” – if not present, you need to install sqlncli.msi to match the version of SQL Server you are using.
  6. Click Finish
  7. In the Name and Description text boxes, type Test
  8. In the Server text box, type the name of the server e.g.  SERVER\SIMS2012
  9. Click Next
  10. Change the Radio Button to “With SQL Server Authentication using login ID and password….
  11. Tick the “Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings….
  12. Enter the SA user ID and Password.
  13. Click Next

A Dialog box will be displayed showing default connection data.  Tick the “Check the default database to“.

A drop down list should now be available and will show all the databases available on the server.

If you got an error message, this indicates a problem connecting with the database server.  It could relate to user ID and password, firewall or server not physically connected.



Last Reviewed 19/08/2015

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