Recommended Password Policy

Devon County Council has adopted a password policy that defines how passwords are used to protect the county network and county data.  It is recommended that Schools adopt a similar policy.

  • Your password should be at least 8 characters long.
  • Change your password at least every 42 days.
  • Password must not be any of your previous 24 Passwords.
  • Use a different unique password each time you change the password.
  • Your password should have three of these four following features:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Numerals
    • Other characters (such as “!&* and %)

To make your password more secure:

  • Put your password in inverted commas
  • Add a memorable date at the end
  • Start or finish the password with a capital letter

This helps to make the information you hold about your pupils, their parents or guardians and their family details far more secure.

A password is very important

It is vital to your electronic identity.  Choose one that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Much of our information is sensitive

It often concerns vulnerable children.  We must make sure that this is held securely and safely.

It’s not all about technology

Safeguarding school information is an important issue.  You must play your part by making sure that your password is known only to you.  If others gain access, the safety of information held will be put at risk.

Example Passwords

  • Example 1cK56r572
  • Example 2Th3 qu1ck br0wn f0x
    (The number 3 replaces letter e, the number 1 replaces letter i, the number 0 replaces letter o)

How to change your Windows Password

Note: If your computer is part of a Workstation Server network (not a Domain) you will need to repeat the password change process on all of the computers that you use, this includes the Main Admin computer which you may not usually log on to.  If you forget your password, Scomis can help you to reset it.

  1. Log on to the workstation
  2. Wait for the Windows Desktop to be displayed
  3. Press and hold together CTRL + ALT + DEL (the screen will blank and a dialog box will be displayed)
  4. Choose the “Change a Password” button
  5. Type in your old password in the box provided
  6. Type in your new password and confirm the password in the last 2 boxes
  7. Press blue arrow, Windows will confirm that the password has been accepted
  8. Repeat the process on all the other computers that you use

How to change your Scomis Hosted platform Password

Note: The SIMS Hosted platform will automatically prompt you to change your password after 40 days since the last change. If you have forgotten your password, please speak with your SIMS Administrator.

  1. Log on to the Scomis Hosted platform
  2. Wait for SIMS .net to load
  3. Press and hold together CTRL + ALT + END (or ALT Gr + END for two fingered typists)
  4. Choose the “Change Password” button
  5. Type in your old password in the box provided
  6. Type in your new password and confirm the password
  7. Press OK, the Scomis Hosted platform will confirm that the password has been accepted


DCC Password Policy –

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