How to Split Basedata to Separate Certification Elements into Separate Awards
How to separate certification elements into separate awards
Reviewed 24/5/2019
How to separate certification elements into separate awards
Reviewed 24/5/2019
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Once the result file has been imported, there are several ways to view the results. Report for Statement of Results, Report for Broadsheets (for Certifications only), Report for Subject Grade Analysis, Result Marksheet, Consolidated Marksheet, Exporting the Examination Results into a CSV file. Or you can view the results through Tools | External Results |…
Go to Reports | Statement of Results……….
In the first instance, please check through route: Reports | Results |This will show all the ‘certification’ results for the pupil regardless of QCA subject codes or Award to Course Links. ANY RESULTS NOT VISIBLE IN THIS ROUTE INDICATE THAT RESULTS HAVE NOT BEEN IMPORTED. YOU MUST CHECK THIS ROUTE EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE THAT…
You need to check that all exam awards have courses attached to them. Then ensure that update course memberships has been run. This should resolve the issue. Reviewed 24/5/2019 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be…
When attempting electronic import of information through Examinations Organiser the required files may not appear for selection. This probably means that the EDI software through which the files were downloaded has not placed them in the \EXAMIN directory defined in the Exams Module. Defining the EDI Directories Use route : Tools | School Setup |…
You may have problems with print output from Exams marksheets where the words/characters are bunched together to the point where they are unreadable if your printer is a network printer…