How to record an address with no postcode (PO Box).

Schools can provide the department with their addresses in whichever format their data is held within their MIS – either; BS7666 address format, (SAON, PAON, post town or other address items) or; address line 1 to 5. Postcode is mandatory for either format. Whilst every effort must be made to obtain these pupil details, the…

Identifying addresses modified by CTF import bug

The report can be downloaded by clicking below, please save as to a suitable location, and extract the file so that it shows in your File Explorer as Address change history.rptdef, ready for import into SIMS. Address change history download For instructions on how to import a report into SIMS, please see the in-depth…

Who has access or the ability to view SIMS Parent App?

*Updated 05/07/2019*   Which contacts associated on a student record has the ability to access SIMS Parent App? SIMS Parent App/Parent App Lite The current functionality is that any contact or guardian that has Parental Responsibility and no Court Order will be able to access SIMS Parent App, and have the ability to see the…

Report for students who live with both parents/only live with one parent

A report to show students who live with both parents or either parent is becoming a common request due to a freedom of information request going around. There is no simple way to produce this report however there is a rptdef (Report Definition File) that can be imported into SIMS under Reports > Import and…

Bulk importing email addresses

If you need to add in email addresses for a large number of people in SIMS. You can follow this guide – Bulk Import This can be done for current staff members and contacts (for pupils see This document can be followed as it is for Non-Hosted schools but if you are a hosted…

Address Validation

Address Validation – what does it do? It is a service you can switch on in SIMS .net which will make the Validate button to the right of every address in SIMS .net live. When you click on the button it will check and validate the address against the Capita address database.  If you are using it after…