Type mismatch when scheduling a block

Message appears in the right hand side of the Bands screen when a session is dragged over a particular period on the grid. This message also appears in the Clash information when trying to drag a row from the build onto the timetable Nova-T6 The message means that there is a Period Type on the…

How do I bulk print the teacher timetables?

Teacher timetables cannot be bulk printed from Nova-T6. Bulk printing of teacher timetables can be done from SIMS .net  using route Reports |  Timetables |  Staff Timetables. Indvidual staff timetables can be printed from Nova-T6 and an all staff timetable can be printed. Timetables for different groups of teachers can be printed using Timetable |…

Advice on starting the Timetable early.

  Starting Next Year’s – Starting Next Year’s Curriculum Early Guide Applicable to 2015 onwards Some schools start next year’s curriculum early. – using the same timetable – using a new timetable Some schools see this as an introduction to next year’s courses and therefore do not record the students as actually starting these courses during the summer…

Options registration group not showing/disappeared

See KB 55341 – From the Implementation Manager, make a backup of the implementation. Re-import the students from the SQL database.  When the re-import is done, the students will appear on the right hand side of the screen and should be left there.  Click OK and check that there is a tick in the box…