Scomis Hosted 2016 Printing Requirement
Scomis Hosted Application 2016 Service uses Microsoft Remote Desktop Printing.
This means that any printers which are used with Scomis Hosted Application Service are required to be Microsoft Certified and Compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
If they are not on the Microsoft certified list, which can be found below, printing from Scomis Hosted may have unpredictable results.
Please update your printing drivers to a Microsoft Certified driver to avoid issues:
Issues you may experience may include:
- Failed to print anything without prompt.
- Losing printing preferences i.e. 1-side, duplex, colour settings.
- Characters may not appear correctly or aligned maybe skewed
The Scomis Application 2008 Service is heading to End-of-Life Link, the print method used here is different from 2016.
This is why you may experience issues you had not had before.
With the introduction of the Scomis Hosted Applications Server 2016 platform, Scomis made the decision to move away from the Screwdrivers product and instead adopt the Microsoft EasyPrint solution which was specifically designed for Remote Desktop.
Papercut has an incompatibility with EasyPrint (
As a work around to the incompatibility of Papercut and EasyPrint, you may use the Print to PDF option and then transfer the PDF to the local workstation for printing.