How do I set up a new cost centre in FMS6?

You need the path Tools>General Ledger Setup>cost Centres.

1. Highlight the Heading (yellow folder) under which you want the cost centre to appear – there may be sub folders so choose carefully.

2. Click the + in the middle which shows a page not a yellow folder.

3. Enter the details as required – the Code field only accepts alpha or numeric characters, no spaces and defaults to upper case, it must be unique to the system. The description is free text, the abreviation is a short name of 12 characters, the holder is the name of the budget holder. Threshold enables the system manager to restrict raising orders over a certain limit, check spending enables the system manager to allow raising orders if no budget exists in the cost centre.

4. Click Save.

5. Go to Tools>General Ledger Setup>C/Centre Ledger Links.

6. Click + on the right, in the Available Cost Centres window find the new cost centre, double click to choose it, in the Available Ledger Codes window find the required ledger code, double click to choose it – repeat for as many ledger codes needed.

7. Click create links, ok the confirmation message then save.



Reviewed 30/07/2015

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