How to import the approved HCSS Budgeting scenario into FMS

Once the completed scenario has been approved by governors and published within HCSS Budgeting schools will need to import the scenario into FMS. The first step of this will be to log into the HCSS Budgeting Web Companion and log into the FMS link. Once logged in you will need to use the bottom section of…

Teacher App will not accept Date of Birth

When logging into the Teacher App for the first time it will ask you to enter your activation code and Date of Birth. If when entering this information it comes with a message to say “the given combination is invalid” you will need to check to make sure that your DOB has not been changed…

Identifying Basedata

Basedata for a particular series consists of a set of linked files. The names of these files follow an agreed standard, with the first letter denoting what information the file contains. When basedata is first downloaded from the exam board the file will begin with a Z. Files starting with a Z are zipped files that combine all…

Creating a User Defined Group

Please see the following document for advice on how to create a user defined group: Creating a User Defined Group KB13332 – Running reports for user defined group KB23120 – Adding a user defined group to Discover KB19505 – Removing a student from a user defined group.   Reviewed: 27/7/20

Sending an Immediate B2B task

In order to create an Immediate task within SIMS you will need to do the following: 1. Go to Routines – Data Exchange – Manage Tasks   2. Click on Search and select Immediate Task              3. Once within the Immediate task you will need to alter the configuration.  …

I am being asked for a password when accessing network drives

When trying to access the network drives (eg. F drive & G drive) I am being asked for a username and password.                 The main reason for the above issue occurring is that a windows network password has been changed or expired. In order to resolve this issue…

LloydsLink asking to install add-on within Hosted Applications

When working within the Hosted Application Service (Terminal Server) it is asking to install a add-on in order to be able to print online statements from Lloydslink.   Unfortunately due to restrictions within the Hosted Application Service (Terminal Server) it is not possible to do this so in order to print Lloydslink online bank statements you…

Cleaning the Supportworks mailbox

At the end of each term we need to be cleaning out the Supportworks email mailboxes. Please follow through the following instructions to do so. Within Supportworks go to the ‘Archive’ folder. Check the dates of the emails and leave the last month’s until the figures have been given to SPO Individually go through the…

ARCHIVE -Remote backup – Accounts not backed up

NEW PROCEDURES IN PLACE Step 1: The ‘Accounts that have not backed up email’ is sent to the service desk and to supportworks. Within supportworks the email will need to be moved across to the folder entitled ‘Backups. This will need to be done by the person that is on the early. The person that…

How do I print claim letters after I have created the claim?

How do I print claim letters after I have created the claim? To  print a claims letter after creating the claim you will need to go back into claims transfer. Once you are in claims transfer you will need to click on the Re-Process Extract button. This will open up a seperate window in which…

Census error 9999 – Module is missing

This error is caused when a Leaver does not have any ethnicity and/or language data recorded. The absence of this module appears to confuse the DfE validation rules.