How do I add a Season in Exams Organiser?

In setting up your season patterns, you should bear in mind that you cannot import two instances of the same element or component into one season. Therefore, if you were to declare a long season, say March to June, that is supposed to contain two opportunities to take OCR GCSE Science or Maths modules, you…

How do I close a season in Exams Organiser?

A season may be closed when you have finished administering the examinations for that season and all the results have been received. It is only possible to close a season after the user has confirmed that all results have been finalised. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a season has been closed, it will not be possible to…

Basedata imported into wrong season

As long as no entries have been made against the basedata then the basedata can be deleted and re-imported into the correct season.  To delete the basedata start at the lowest level i.e. components, then element, award and finally series. Reviewed on 28/07/2020 – AT             Reviewed – 26/05/2015

How do I export the Certification Broadsheet Report?

To export the Certification Broadsheet Report as a CSV file, 1. Select the criteria for the Certification Broadsheet. 2. Do not click on Print as you will not be able to view AND Export the Report. 3. To Export the Report, click on the Export button immediately after selecting the criteria. 4. Save file as…

How can I view examination results?

Once the result file has been imported, there are several ways to view the results. Report for Statement of Results, Report for Broadsheets (for Certifications only), Report for Subject Grade Analysis, Result Marksheet, Consolidated Marksheet, Exporting the Examination Results into a CSV file. Or you can view the results through Tools | External Results |…