FMS Full Invoice number not showing in central payment upload file

ESS have introduced in FMS from v6.202 a Full invoice number field following requests from schools – this field will only work for Local Payment (own Bank Account) Schools. It has been identified that the Full invoice number field does not transfer to the central payment file created by those schools sending invoices to their Local…

Ledger code not mapped for service term

This appears when the service term mapping cannot be found for the ledger code associated with the current reconciliation item in Personnel Links. Start in Personnel and make a note of the Service Term and Financial Sub Group for the relevant contract In FMS check the service term/ledger code mapping under: Focus > Personnel links…

Unable to find reconciliation file from AnyComms (North Somerset)

Files for reconciliation should be downloaded to the \Sims\Transfer\In folder but must be in the format required for FMS. North Somerset use the format YY_1234R.12A If there is only one file to download there is not usually a problem but if more than one are downloaded all together then AnyComms will zip the file, giving…

Reconciliation item fails for reason ‘order number not sent’

In FMS check under Tools>Accounts Payable Parameters>Authorisation Slips For Devon central payment schools using the FCR database the order prefix field should be blank. Any changes will not take effect until new invoices are exported from FMS and returned by DCC for reconciliation.   Reviewed on 08/04/2016