Exporting Users for Importing into Scomis Hosted SIMS

Once SIMS is setup on Scomis Hosted Apps open SIMS as Scotech.

  1. Open System Manager – Manage Users
  2. Filter User by
    • Active – Yes
    • Group – Class
    • Password – Encrypted SQL
    • Role – Employee
  3. Click Search and then Print
  4. Use the default settings and click OK
  5. Select All and Paste into a Blank Excel Workbook
  6. Remove the top 4 Row and Columns C, D, and E
  7. Then Remove the bottom 2 rows containing Created On and some merged cells
  8. Cut and Paste Column B to Column E
  9. Select Column A and on the Data tab, then select Text to Column from the Data Tools
  10. Leave as Delimited and click Next
  11. Select Tab, Comma, and Space then click Next, then Finish
  12. Remove Column B
  13. Next search and Replace for all and replace as nothing
  14. Look through all the users for duplicate or generic accounts just as SEN or PERSONNEL
  15. Insert new Column A and paste the School Short Name and popular the whole column.
  16. If you have been provided with any email address add them in to column E
    • If you any blanks or don’t have any addresses use the default school email address to fill in all of column F
  17. Check the file is in the format: ShortName,FirstName,Surname,UserName,Email
  18. Save as CSV (Comma delimited) and copy to T:\Logs\NewUserRequests\BulkImport named as school short name
  19. Open Create New School Users and click Bulk Import and select your file.

You will need to authorise each user as normal. Once complete find the school in the list and click Passwords for the full list of users and their passwords. Place this in the schools hosted F drive.

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