Salary Calculator
Please click the link below for notes on using the Salary Calculator :
NB. These notes include details on how to stop the Salary Calculator automatically incrementing the pay scale.
Please click the link below for notes on using the Salary Calculator :
NB. These notes include details on how to stop the Salary Calculator automatically incrementing the pay scale.
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ESS have introduced in FMS from v6.202 a Full invoice number field following requests from schools – this field will only work for Local Payment (own Bank Account) Schools. It has been identified that the Full invoice number field does not transfer to the central payment file created by those schools sending invoices to their Local…
Claimants are showing to select and add in claims for additional contracted hours and supply but on selecting the fund and ledger there is nothing to choose. Check in FMS that the financial year is Started. In Claims Preparation use the Refresh Cache option. If this is the first claim they have prepared since having a new FMS…
Receiving error message is General SQL error [microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]LRM15 ……..
Within FMS; Under Tools > Find A/P Transactions, you can then search for key words in the ‘Find transactions pertaining to’ box. This will search all invoices, purchase orders, credit notes & deliveries and can be defined using the tick boxes. You can only search for the year you are currently in, so…
When all staff in a particular service term in FMS are showing incorrectly, this is usually due to a new pay award being entered into SIMS Personnel. Earlier in the year, for budgeting purposes, the known or anticipated % pay increase for September may have been added in FMS. Once the pay award is entered…
Here is the advice from the VAT Team……..