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How do I request a pupil’s ULN ?
Routines | Data Out | CTF | Export CTF Select option ULN Request/Update. Select the pupils who require a ULN. All students 14 & above will require a ULN Number You must not include pupils whose data you have been asked to protect. This typically includes pupils in witness protection programmes, vulnerable learners, and certain…
Adding a single UCI in Sims Examinations
For students without UCI numbers:- 1. Select Tools>Allocate UCI & Exam Numbers. 2. Select the Group required. 3. Highlight the student required 4. Click on the Allocate UCI button. 5. Click Save. This only applies if no exam number is present – the allocate UCI action will populate any student with an existing exam number…
How do I close a season in Exams Organiser?
A season may be closed when you have finished administering the examinations for that season and all the results have been received. It is only possible to close a season after the user has confirmed that all results have been finalised. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a season has been closed, it will not be possible to…
How do I add a Season in Exams Organiser?
In setting up your season patterns, you should bear in mind that you cannot import two instances of the same element or component into one season. Therefore, if you were to declare a long season, say March to June, that is supposed to contain two opportunities to take OCR GCSE Science or Maths modules, you…
How to change the column headings in Exam marksheets
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the titles of column headings. Reviewed 24/5/2019 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
Privately taken Qualifications
Where a qualification is certificated privately, this continues to count in the performance measures for the school at which the pupil/student studies, as of census date. Schools must engage pupil/students and their parents in constructive discussions where they feel a private early entry is inappropriate. This also applies where a pupil/student sits an exam at…