Why has a contract got a green circle with a question mark?
Because the status is deferred…
Because the status is deferred…
There are two places where this information needs adding………….
This can be caused by many issues, please check …………………
Tools>Define Financial Year…………
To change any of the automatic details on the claims letters go to ……
Just do it in exactly the same way you would normally…………..
Either you have not copied the mappings from the previous year or you have not defined salary periods…………..
Tools>Define Financial Year………….
To import a result file, please follow this route……
There are a few possible reasons why users are unable to find any recent results files………..
There are 2 ways to edit this……..
Provided that the July season dates overlap with the Summer ……….
Go to Reports | Statement of Results……….
This is now possible as Capita has amended the software……………
This is usually due to conflicting information in a contract.
Check the closed contracts, they probably have an open scale record …………
This is because the book is full. Go to Tools>Books>Petty Cash……..
The problem can happen if FMS crashed during the import or if the OK button was not clicked after the import…………….
This is due to insufficient funds in School Budget Share so a temporary workaround is needed…………..
This is because the process has been interrupted.
Go to Focus>Non-Invoiced Income>Paying In Slips………….