Windows updates

  A Windows workstation should always be kept updated with the latest software and security patches from Microsoft via Windows Update. Failure to do so can lead to system instability and an increased chance of malicious software being installed, the first signs of which are usually performance degradation and unexpected behaviour of software, including internet…

Adding a new user to Windows

This FAQ demonstrates how to add a new user onto an admin workstation. On the Windows start menu type lusrmgr.msc in the search box and hit enter. You will then be presented with the Local Users & Groups panel. Click on ‘users‘ You should then see a list of existing users, right click in the centre panel…

Taking ownership of a file or folder in Windows 10 using File Explorer

Open File Explorer, and then locate the file or folder you want to take ownership of. Right-click the file or folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab. Click the Advanced button. The “Advanced Security Settings” window will appear. Here you need to change the Owner of the key. Click the Change link next…

How to Import Admissions Transfer Files (ATFs) into SIMS

Firstly the ATF needs to downloaded from the local authority via Anycomms or Devon Transfer onto your System. Please then follow this quick reference sheet on how to import Admissions Transfer Files (ATFs) into your SIMS – QRS ATF Import For help with the Admission process please follow – SIMS Admissions Code of Practice Non-Own…

Advanced Attendance Reports from User Groups

Scomis have produced a variety of reports which allow more detailed analysis of attendance data. The attached files will need to be imported into SIMS Reports and will be accessible through the Reports Menu, which will be under the Student Focus. Please download and unzip the compressed file and then import the individual .repdef files…

What do the different types of enrolment status’ mean?

Single Registration: The pupil/student is registered at this school. If a pupil/student is registered at this school they cannot be Main or Subsidiary at another. Main – Dual Registration: The pupil/student is registered and mainly attends this school, but can be a Subsidiary at another school. Subsidiary – Dual Registration: The pupil/student is registered at…

How does SLASC calculate staff totals

When it comes to the differences in the count, Personnel actually mainly considers staff Employment Date, which is different to the Contract Dates.  For a teacher to show in the Personnel browse they must have the ‘Teaching Staff’ option ticked in their staff record and their Employment Date must be on or before the current…

How to add new Achievement or Behaviour Types.

You will need to be a member of School Administrator Group within System Manager to complete this process. Tools > Setups > Behaviour Management > Achievement / Behaviour Type. Select New. Complete Code, Description & Points fields. Make sure the Active box is ticked Tick ‘Include on Register’ is you wish to add Achievements and Behaviour types through Take Register….

Why does the skeleton timetable say TBA

The timetabling of the exam is done by the boards so should be included in the basedata. To find what the board has entered drill down in Focus>Basedata to the lowest level on the exam in question, right click and choose Properties If it is marked as ‘not timetabled’ the report will show TBA. Any queries should…

How do I delete a selection of results from a marksheet?

Make a note of template, aspect , result set & result date. Tools > Performance > Assessment > System Utilities > Results. Delete a selection of results > Next Select the required Students > Next Select the Aspect > Next Select the Result set (if there is one attached) > Next Select the Date range…

Examination Entry codes.

When entering data in entries marksheets, the following options are available: Y – Yes, the candidate is entered for the examination. C – The candidate is treated as a Centre-funded entry. P – The candidate is entered for the examination as a Private candidate. The cost of the examination will be paid for by the candidate…

Privately taken Qualifications

Where a qualification is certificated privately, this continues to count in the performance measures for the school at which the pupil/student studies, as of census date. Schools must engage pupil/students and their parents in constructive discussions where they feel a private early entry is inappropriate. This also applies where a pupil/student sits an exam at…

Accounts Receivable – Invoice Created and Printed in error

If an invoice has been created in accounts receivable and has been printed it can’t be cancelled. To reverse the error – In Accounts Receivable, create a Receipt as if you have received payment for the invoice. Post it via the paying-in slip. In FMS | General Ledger | Manual Journal Processing – create a Cash Book…

Programme of Study Group Chooser blank for teacher

When going into the route Focus / Assessment / Programmes of Study Tracker a teacher does not have any classes visible in the Group Chooser.  The teacher has classes on their timetable and is in the System Manager Class Teacher Group. Check in Employment Details to see if the tick is in the Teacher checkbox.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update (32bit) connectivity issues with Scomis Hosted Applications (Microsoft fix)

Since the recent Microsoft Anniversary Update to Windows 10 which appeared to have introduced a bug affecting a 32bit Windows 10 computer’s ability to establish a remote connection, including to our Hosted Application service. Users are unable to connect to the remote session and receive error messages relating to RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Previously the only way to resolve this…

SWGfL Internet filtering certificate change

      Internet filtering changes Who is affected? If you have a South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL) Internet connection at your school or establishment, you will be affected.  Schools using another Internet provider/ISP are not affected by this change. Background At the start of 2015, RM introduced ‘SSL interception’ functionality to RM SafetyNet,…

Recording deceased parents in SIMS

If a parent has passed away, you will need to remove them from SIMS to make sure that no reports or letters are sent to them. As this is a sensitive issue for both the pupil and family involved, please check that no labels contain the deceased parent’s name and address once the following instructions have…

Academic year missing in SLG

In order to publish reports in SLG the required year needs to be present To add an academic year go to Tools>Lookups>Maintain Search for SLG Document Category and add a New Academic year in section 2 Values Click Save It will not be visible in SLG until everyone has logged out of Sims .net so…

Teacher salary statements in HCSS budgeting / FPS

Within HCSS budgeting, you may be asked to produce teacher salary statements. To do this, log into the HCSS web portal here: and load your budget/scenario. After doing this, go to: Scenario > Reporting Module > Pupil/Staff Reports > Teacher salary assessment You can then choose whether you would like to do this for…

TeacherApp Demo Account

Sims Teacher App is currently set up on iPad 3 which is in and around the DIM box. Feel free to borrow it if you have a call to look at the functionality.  Please return it when you are finished. To login on the app you will require the account type of GOOGLE. Username:…

Address Validation

Address Validation – what does it do? It is a service you can switch on in SIMS .net which will make the Validate button to the right of every address in SIMS .net live. When you click on the button it will check and validate the address against the Capita address database.  If you are using it after…

Send InTouch messages to leavers contacts

It is possible to send InTouch messages to contacts of students who have now left. There are currently two workarounds for this: Create a User Defined Group for the Contacts Go to Focus | Group | User Defined Groups and enter a Group Description and Short Name. Make sure that the Active State is set…

Address Validation Troubleshooting

Documentation, patches and other information \\ds\docs\Exeter, Great Moor House\EALData\Traded\ScoMIS\Applications Team\Address Validation How is the address validation switched on? Run patch 7186  – this will switch on the service to individually validate addresses Run patch 11328 – this will switch on the bulk address validation service. The Address Validation Service Setup Can be found in Tools / Setups…

Unable to edit curriculum membership dates

When in Student Curriculum attempting to change membership dates an error appears End Date is not in an Eligible period – it does not matter which date is entered. Click on the ‘Relax’ option above the date bar which will allow date to be entered.   kb18041

New Head unable to see appraisals within Staff Performance

Firstly the user will need to be given permissions within System Manager to the Staff Performance (SP) groups. Secondly go to Tools>Staff>Staff Performance>Line Management structure Check the date and click Go Highlight name to change and either right click or click on Action, choose Replace, choose the name of the replacement, OK then Save Reviewed…

Restarting the Redstor Backup service in Windows

If your remote backup is not running, it may be due to the backup service for Windows stopping or failing to start, especially when the backups are not attempting to run. For Windows 7 Please see here: Go to the Windows start menu in the bottom left hand section of the screen and type ‘services.msc’…