Managing BTEC’s

Types of files: 7B is a results request file – Schools can request this from Pearson in order for EDI results to be made in the August Results period.  Schools should submit this by 31 May. 9B – Registration entry file. 6B – BTEC Basedata June 2023 6B – Entry deadline 23 March – amendment…

Course Manager – Linking Exam Awards to course in Course Manager

There are two ways that you can link courses to QANs: 1.Adding an Award to the Examination panel in Maintain Course, clicking new here will pull through any Award that has been imported into Exams Organiser. If the award is new and basedata has not yet been imported that contains the specific award, it will…

Downloading files on the Scomis Hosted Platform

Internet Explorer 11 is now End of Life so we have had to deploy Microsoft’s Edge browser for use. Downloading a file is slightly different in Edge than it was in Internet Explorer. When you click on a file to download (for example, Exams base data files) the file will automatically be downloaded to the…

Results files / Basedata not appearing in EDI EXAMIN directory

When attempting electronic import of information through Examinations Organiser the required files may not appear for selection. This probably means that the EDI software through which the files were downloaded has not placed them in the \EXAMIN directory defined in the Exams Module. Defining the EDI Directories Use route : Tools | School Setup |…

Import files are not present for the selected board and season

1. Check that current Season is correct for the Basedata selected. Check the user is ‘IN’ the correct Season. (At the bottom of Exams Organiser) 2. Check that the correct Basedata files for that Season are unzipped and in the EXAMIN directory. For example, if user is trying to import Basedata for June 2020, the…

Identifying Basedata

Basedata for a particular series consists of a set of linked files. The names of these files follow an agreed standard, with the first letter denoting what information the file contains. When basedata is first downloaded from the exam board the file will begin with a Z. Files starting with a Z are zipped files that combine all…

Downloading and Importing of Exams Basedata – The Basics.

Details of examinations are supplied by examination boards as basedata files. The exam boards distribute a complete set of basedata appropriate to a particular time of year that they refer to as a Series. The basedata files contain most of the required information including syllabuses, options, components, dates and duration of examinations, maximum marks for…

How do I split Basedata to separate Certification elements into separate awards?

We have received many calls to the helpdesk regarding linking awards to courses in SIMS, where the Basedata Award imported into Examinations may contain more than one certification element. This can cause problems within Course Manager due to the fact you can only link one award to one course, so results for both certifications will…

Basedata imported into wrong season

As long as no entries have been made against the basedata then the basedata can be deleted and re-imported into the correct season.  To delete the basedata start at the lowest level i.e. components, then element, award and finally series. Reviewed on 28/07/2020 – AT             Reviewed – 26/05/2015