How to run a career attendance report for leavers

This report will run for any students but the effective date must be one when they were on roll at the school. Reports>Attendance (or Lesson Monitor)>Whole Group Pupil (student) Reports>Pupil’s (student’s)School Career Attendance Report Change the Date if necessary, choose the required Group Type and click Search Highlight required pupils and click Print   kb22716

KS4 Analysis Resources- October 2018 – RAISE OnLine

KS4 Analysis Resources The published figure for a school’s Progress 8 includes a possible adjustment for students ‘with extremely negative progress scores’ .  This is a slightly different calculation to that used currently by OFSTED to exclude ‘outliers’ and is impossible to predict before the results are known.  It is the OFSTED calculation which is…

Parental and Emergency Consent Report

The report below can be run to show a list of all pupils and what Parental Consent they currently have. It also shows whether they have Emergency Consent ticked within their records. Parental and Emergency Consent To import this report, download the file and unzip it once it has saved. Go into SIMS and go…

Report for current staff contracts

Please find report definition for current staff contracts below. Current Staff Contracts To import this report, download the file and unzip it once it has saved. Go into SIMS and go to Reports – Import and then browse to the file and click import. The report will then be available under Reports – Run Report…

Sims Assessment – Enhancements for the SIMS 2018 Autumn Release

Exporting PoS Grade Sets and User Defined Elements Routines | Data Out | Assessment | Export An additional export option has been provided on the first page of the Export wizard. This option enables Assessment Co-ordinators to Export Programme of Study grade sets and user-defined elements of the DfE Framework or other user-defined subject/strands so…

School Census – Patches to delete data – Proficiency in English, Pupil Nationality and Country of Birth

Given the recent position of the DfE no longer collecting Proficient in English (, Pupil Country of Birth ( and Pupil Nationality (, Capita SIMS have released the following three patches in SOLUS3 to delete this data: Patch 24423 – Deletes all records for Proficiency in English information for all past, present and future students….

Current use of SIMS ID:-

Current use of Sims ID:- SIMS Next Generation SIMS Parent Lite & SIMS Parent SIMS Activities (part of SIMS Parent Full) SIMS Agora (online payments) SIMS Options

Sims ID – Onboarding

Sims ID – On-boarding If you are looking to use SIMS ID or SIMS ID-AD you will need to contact the Capita Software Sales team and request a SIMS ID or SIMS-AD subscription. Their telephone number is 01234 832100. The SIMS ID process starts with an agreement to cover the terms of use. This allows Capita to then give the school…

What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID?

What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID? Schools start using SIMS ID for a variety of reasons. Some use SIMS ID to manage their Active Directories and Office 365 provisioning. Others start with SIMS ID only providing access for parents using Parent App. or students using SIMS Options. Schools that start using SIMS…

How to process Data Collection changes submitted from Parent App Lite

Once parents have updated the Data Collection information and submitted it the administrator may access it from their Sims .net Home Page. In order to do this the SLG Alerts panel must be configured onto the Home Page Click on the Alert Type – Data Collection Sheets (it will show how many are available to…

No information in School Workforce Census

A new (not converting) school had no staff on the reports. There was no actual previous URN to enter as the school didn’t exist. The software doesn’t allow the same number to be entered. It was resolved, however, by entering a zero in the ‘Previous URN Number’ field and the ‘Date Number Changed’ being when the…

Sims Parent – Which documents can be published to the Sims Parent App?

Assessment individual reports and Profile reports can be published to the SIMS Parent app providing they have been created and uploaded to the Students linked documents first. Once they are uploaded to the Students linked documents they can be published through Routines | SLG & SIMS Online | Publish Documents.

* Updated 8th July 2019* Primary School SIP (School Improvement Programme) Statutory Key Stage Analysis Resources

(Updated 7th July 2019) Capita have developed a series of reports to assist primary school leaders, governors and any other relevant stake holders to analyse statutory Key Stage data in line with the DfE Primary Accountability Measures 2018 updated September 2018 and Provisional 2018 National Figures from Statistics at DfE – Department for Education. These…

Adding new group to System Manager

This example is for enabling scheduled reports. Go to Focus>System Manager>Manage Groups – Click on New Section 1 – enter a Code and Description eg RepSched and Report Scheduler Section 2 – click the green + to add the required users Section 3 – click on the + to expand Core System>Core>Home Page>Report Execution Manager>execute Scheduled…

Hosted Connector Dont Use Pre-Authentication

From version v6.10 of the Scomis Hosted connector, it is possible for an administrator to set a registry key that will force the Scomis Hosted Applications connector not to use Pre-Authentication web service.  This is done by setting a registry key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. The Pre-authentication service is used to validate a username…

Pupil that is not on roll showing in register

If a pupil is showing in the take register screen but is not in the pupil search and is not on roll at school, they may be sat in the admissions area of SIMS.   Go to Focus – Admission – Application and change the group filter to ‘Any’ Search for the pupil name and…

Hosted Connector Always Use a Gateway

From version v6.10 of the Scomis Hosted connector, it is possible for an administrator to set a registry key that will force the Scomis Hosted Applications connector to always use a gateway Server when connecting to the Scomis Service.  This is done by setting a registry key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. This option should…

Hosted Apps v6.08 Upgrade Troubleshooting

The Scomis Hosted Applications version 6.08 is a major change in the technology that Scomis use for connecting schools to the Scomis Hosted Applications platform.  This page contains  information about Upgrade Troubleshooting. The new application is written using the Microsoft .net framework, this allows the application to function as a single application removing the need…

Attendance Letter Setup

To setup attendance letters to send to parents for certain attendance categories, you can do the following.   Go to Tools – Setups -Attendance Setup – Letter Definition Click ‘New’ and enter a name for the letter and choose a field to base it on. A word document will then open where you can write…

Scomis Hosted Application v6 – What’s New?

After upgrading to version 6 of the Scomis Hosted Apps connector (to access your hosted SIMS account) you may wonder what has changed… Scomis Hosted Connector v6 release: Version 6 has been built around Microsoft’s .Net Framework and contains all of the previous features and functionality of the v5.42 client (the last main release). **IMPORTANT** Because…

Manually inviting user to Parent App / Parent Lite App

When a user is invited to use SIMS Online Services, it keeps the original email that was invited and doesn’t update when the email is changed in SIMS. There doesn’t appear to be a way to cancel the invitation so what you need to do is to go to and browse to Manage Users…

SIMS Dinner Money Setup

When a school purchases SIMS Dinner Money they will need to request the Dinner Money License patch 12370. We will require a copy of the confirmation purchase order from Capita. Hosted Schools – Send the email confirmation to Scomis also requesting the patch is applied to your hosted SIMS. Non Hosted Schools – Send email…

Country of Birth and Nationality

These data items will no longer be required by DfE as part of the school census from September 2018 and there is no DfE requirement for the data to be stored, or retained, within school management information systems.  Each school therefore has the responsibility as data controllers to decide whether they should continue to collect, process or retain…

Amended Data Collection Sheet

The Country of Birth and Nationality fields have been removed from this version of the Data Collection Sheet for those schools who no longer wish to collect the data. To download and import the amended Data Collection Sheet Save the file Data Collection Sheet amended into a folder on your computer. Unzip it and save the Data…

Data Collection Report (contacts only)

This report will show the name and address of the pupil with blank boxes for the collection of Contact Details.  It has been designed to re-collect contact details and should be used if Check 99 in database diagnostics reveals some contacts whose details need to be  checked but the school does not have any manual…

Pupil Premium Report

Please find a report to show all current pupil premium pupils below. This report is based on the tick box within ‘Additional Information’ within the student records. Pupil Premium To import the report, download and save this file in a location you can get to from within SIMS make sure you unzip the file when…

Amending Sims and Sims Online Services TLS settings for B2B

Background :Local authorities use Capita ONE to receive attendance and student data from schools through B2B.   The next upgrade (version 3.66) to Capita ONE will require the TLS settings in Sims and in Sims Online services to be on either 1.1 or 1.2 otherwise the transfers will fail.  By default the TLS settings are at 1.0.  It is advised that all…