Assessment Manager Import Activity Log

This log is available after importing new Assessment Manager resources via Focus>Assessment>Marksheet entry – usually following an upgrade Click Yes – this can take a long time, do not interrupt it, when finished it will show the activity log Click on Save and choose a location Unless this is manually saved at the time there…

Redstor Remote Backup – How to resolve skipped file errors

Even if an overnight automated backup is successful, you may receive notification that there were possible errors. On checking the log files, there could be some (or even several) files which don’t backup. You can find out which files these are by checking the log files in the console. It is the schools responsibility to ensure all…

Where can I locate my finance files? (Devon Schools)

Devon schools use Anycomms to download finance files which consist of the following file types: dt – Devon Transfer ii – Internal Invoices bm – Budget Management pi – Payroll Information To download these files, you need to log into Anycomms, ensure the download file path is set, (Hosted schools)  F:\public>anycomms>Inbox (Non hosted schools)  – C:\anycomms>Inbox  Once you have downloaded these files, you will then…

Reporting on open contracts in SIMS

Occasionally when reporting on Peronnel and Contracts within SIMS, it will display a closed contract for the member of staff. There is no specific option within the Reporting module to only make the open contracts show, you will need to filter the workaround as follows: Expand the ‘Employment Details‘ section and pick the blue ‘Contracts‘…

Student with mismatched years not showing in Options

Options does not recognise students whose Year and Year Taught in are mismatched. To workaround this issue we need to temporarily amend the Year Group to match Year Taught In. If this year’s Year 10 are to be included in next year’s Year 10 Options implementation, then you must open the History by clicking the…

SIMS and FMS Spring 2018 Upgrade

Documentation: Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded here: Spring 2018 Release Notes Headlines: Statutory Returns School Census Summer 2018 files are included in this release. Examinations Organiser and SIMS Reports to identify QNs missing from the Manage Performance Indicator screen Ability to record Level 2 Technical Qualifications at…

Advice on using Construction and Maintenance Datasets

When a construction dataset is submitted to Sims it reads the curriculum from Sims .net and matches what is in the file with what is already in Sims and if it is the same doesn’t change anything.  Where there are differences in the submitted file to what is held in Sims, changes are made in Sims with effect from the start…

Converting a Maintenance Timetable to Construction

Maintenance timetables can only be transferred into SIMS once. To be able to re-use this timetable you will need to convert it to a Construction timetable. Open Nova T6 and load your maintenance timetable.   Once loaded, click Select Data > Load Dataset.   choose Create Construction Dataset and then click Next. You will then…

Adding a single UCI in Sims Examinations

For students without UCI numbers:- 1. Select Tools>Allocate UCI & Exam Numbers. 2. Select the Group required. 3. Highlight the student required 4. Click on the Allocate UCI button. 5. Click Save. This only applies if no exam number is present – the allocate UCI action will populate any student with an existing exam number…

Unable to send In Touch text messages

If the emails are not affected then check that the school has sufficient credit to send text messages. Log into and check and/or top up SMS credit in order to send text messages. Pageone log in details can be found in Tools>InTouch>Module set up They can be contacted on 0333 200 5033 or via email at

School Comms – Does not open

Users may have a problem when opening School Comms within the Scomis Hosted Apps. The application may open the initial screen and then fail to open or not open at all. If this happens the S&N team will need the call to do the following fix: Below is done by S&N: Log in to SIMSNET01…

Exams – Component Clash Analysis Report Not Showing All Clashes

There are 3 reasons why a clash would not show on a Component Clash Analysis Report 1   The Award has not been attached to a Course. You can check this by right clicking on the Award and select Properties, is the correct course showing in the Course field?  If not go into Course Manager, select…

Sims ParentApp Setup Guidance

Below is a summary of the setup process,  for more detail please download the Sims Parent Install guidance. Step 1 : Register The nominated Sims Parent Administrator at the school emails to request Sims Parent with the following information NB If you are requesting the free Parent Lite version – please go to Order Parent Lite App from here…

Unable to delete linked document

Error when trying to delete Linked SEN Document – “There was an error uploading documents!” This occurs because the document itself has been deleted from this record but still remains as a Linked Document. Go to Focus>Student>Student Details Open the student’s record. Click the Linked Documents link and delete the SEN Document. This will no…

How to edit a linked document in Sims .net

1. Go to Focus>Student>Student Details and select the Linked Documents link. Select the applicable Linked Document and click ‘Open’. This will now save the document as a local copy on your machine or open the existing copy you may have. Make any necessary changes to the document and once you are satisfied it is correct, save it. 2. Close the file…

Invalid user name/password error when logging into Hosted SIMS

When logging into Hosted SIMS, the user may experience a local SIMS login box or the following error: This error will appear after the initial Remote Desktop Connection screen and after the blue/green Windows server screen where the user profile and group policy settings are being loaded. This is common when the user is logging…

Programme of Study Column Colours

Columns relating to statutory guidance are displayed with a green background and can be identified by the letter Y in the PoS Expectations heading. Columns that relate to non-statutory guidance are displayed with a pale blue background and can be identified by the letter N in the PoS Expectations heading. Columns relating to user-defined resources…

Redirecting Intouch email responses

When sending out intouch emails, you may wish to redirect responses to your school email rather than the intouch inbox. This can be done by following the steps below.    Go to Tools – Intouch – Message Type Defaults Setup In here, search for the message type – eg. General Message and open the record…

Bulk importing email addresses

If you need to add in email addresses for a large number of people in SIMS. You can follow this guide – Bulk Import This can be done for current staff members and contacts (for pupils see This document can be followed as it is for Non-Hosted schools but if you are a hosted…

Two-week timetable out of sync

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have consulted with the Cover Supervisor and Attendance officer as you can lose Cover and Attendance marks entered in advance for the periods that you are changing. Browse to Tools > Academic Management > Apply Timetable Set the date range from the whole academic year to the period you…

How To Create A Derived Year In Nova T6

A derived year enables you to create sessions for students from different years, in SIMS .net>Focus>School>Academic Structue>Curriculum Assignment by Scheme all the students in the derived years will show as eligible. For this example I am going to add years 7 and 8 to a derived band. 1. On the left of the Model screen…

How To Split Or Share Cover And Room Assignments In Cover

All periods can be split in half using the half period cover setting in Tools | Cover | Global Settings. Where half period cover is not used, but odd periods need to be split, this can be done as follows: Right click on the assignment for the Closure or Absence. Choose Clone. Right click on…

How do I use the nested If Then Else formula?

The nested If Then Else formula needs to be followed as below to ensure that expected results are shown. To create a nested If Then Else formula, you first need to include in the Template the column(s) you wish to compare. Example: Template name: English Targets – Year 6 Aspect: English Achieved | Result Set:…

How To Bulk Update Result Sets in Individual Reports (AM7)

*Please back up your templates before you make any changes as tags can break very easily* With your Word template open, you need to click on reveal codes by clicking on the pilcrow symbol – ¶ which is under the “home” Screen.  This reveals punctuation, paragraph markers / hidden formatting.  If that doesn’t work try…

When will the CAS KS2 Calculator 2021 be available?

There can be no fine level or points scores calculators after 2020 because students who will be taking KS4 exams after that date did not take tests where the results were calculated in levels and points. The only information we have on how the new scaled score figures will be used in Progress 8 (and…

User Defined Group not pulling through to reports

When running a report eg. Group Session Summary Report – a user defined group that has been set up is not showing in the drop down to base the report on when changing the date range filter. This is because, when you set up a user defined group, you need to set the date range…