How to Split Basedata to Separate Certification Elements into Separate Awards
How to separate certification elements into separate awards Reviewed 24/5/2019
How to separate certification elements into separate awards Reviewed 24/5/2019
English and English Literature all taught under English Reviewed on 24/5/19
Special Arrangements Reviewed on 24/05/2019
QRS Exams Organiser Entering Non EDI Data Reviewed 24/5/2019
If you cannot see the ‘Student Totals By Key Pastoral Factors’ graph within Discover, then it is likely that the user who is currently logged into Discover does not have the required permissions. In order to be able to view this graph within Discover, the affected user must at least be able to view the…
If the school has changed the Dfe Number in you will also need to request a new Secure Access Account (S2S,Collect & Teachernet). The old Dfe number and username/password will remain available for 6 months so that the school can still download files for that account. Please complete the form on the Secure Access…
Table of Checks and Fixes DATABASE DIAGNOSTICS To Run Database Diagnostics from SIMS click Tools – System Diagnostics – Database Diagnostics. [NOTE: Do not run this during a busy work period as it may slow SIMS down for other users.] Reviewed on 24/10/2016
Follow the instuctions to design the report
In SIMS .net go to: Reports Design Report Create a new report Student – Next On roll – Next Select the fields required e.g Forename & Surname, Photo, Reg Group – Next Add required filters e.g. New – Year Group is one of – Tick Prompt at runtime – OK, And – Reg group is…
Select Tools > Setups > SEN Setup to display the SEN Setup page. To add a new SEN Co-ordinator or More Able Co-ordinator click New and then search for the staff name. To give overall responsibility for SEN or More Able to a staff member click Set Main button. To remove a staff member from…
All Oxford schools have had the Address Validation Licence applied. This can be checked via the Database Version Reporter. Once confirming that it has been applied the school will need to go to: Tools – Setups – SIMS Services In section 3, change the Default Proxy Settings to ‘Detect Server from users settings’ Then test…
Any groups for which you are the supervisor can be viewed from the My Timeline widget. Click the Options button in the My Timeline panel then select My Groups from the drop down menu. This will display any group you are a Supervisor of.The Effective Date defaults to today’s date but can be changed. If…
In Student/Teacher View screen the Assessment Key Indicators are showing as ‘Aspect not Defined’ how do I get Aspect to appear? Go to Tools > Setup > Student/Teacher View > Section 3 > Select the Curriculum Years and click Add on the ‘Aspect for the selected NC Year’ for the Aspect browse box to appear…
Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children. Schools are given a pupil premium for: Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. Children who are or have been looked…
Within SIMS go to Tools | Setups | User Defined Fields Click New Enter a description for the field. Select a Field Type. For instance, is your UDF to be a single line of text, or a Date, or a True/False field. Select the Data Domain that it is to be applied to. (Staff, Pupil,…
The sessions when part-time pupils, i.e. pupils of non-statutory school age, are not required to attend school can be specified using this routine. SIMS then applies the No Attendance Required code to the sessions that occur during the specified date range. The Week Range dates must lie within the new academic year and we would…
Within the Hosted SIMS Environment, you can set up your own internal shortcuts to parts of SIMS that you use most often. We have put together a short video to get you started. This takes you through adding your own Panel and creating your internal shortcuts. It is beneficial to set your window zoom to…
To access other hosted applications such as FMS or dtsapps (ie Claims, Monitor, Trial Balance Comparison, Contract Printing) from the hosted environment, or to complete data transfers via SecureNet (which has to be run from SIMS in order for the files to be accessed), shortcuts (known as TS Shortcuts) are required to launch them. This…
This is a guide for new customers to our Hosted Applications service. We have put together a short video to get you started. This takes you through determining whether your machine is 32-bit or 64-bit, downloading and installing the software and completing your first login. It is beneficial to set your window zoom to allow…
Editing the Reason for Change of Mark A default reason for change of mark must be defined as part of the set up process (Tools | Setups | Attendance Setup). However, if the default reason for change of mark is not appropriate for all marks that have been changed, individual reasons for change can be…
Create your report as normal, including any fields that you want to include and any filters that are necessary. Go through the report wizard until you get to ‘Report Output’ and select Word Mailmerge. Click ‘New’ to create a new template. …
Starting with Version 5 of the Hosted Applications connector, a new Automatic updating component will help to keep the client up to date, removing the requirement for an Administrator to uninstall old version and install an updated Full MSI version…
If a student has a class membership of a course with a Planned End Date that is more than one day after the start date of another relevant class membership, the course membership will have a gap inserted unless each of the following is true: The gap in working days between the class memberships is…
This should be done as part of the creating the next academic year structure and not in the current year. Select Focus > School > Pastoral Structure > Next Academic Year Structure to display the Next Academic Year Pastoral Structure. Expand the Pastoral Structure until you can see the Registration Group to be removed. Right…
For part time pupils changing to Full Time in September, you should ensure that their Part Time Details has an End Date. Choose Focus > Pupil > Pupil Details or click to display the Find Student browse Use the drop down for Year Group or Class to refine your search then click Double click on…
Process for setting up a demo account for a school interested in purchasing our hosted applications solutions Logon to SIMSNET01 Connect to DemoData and login as scotech Go to Focus>System Manager>Manage Users Create a new SIMS user or select an existing user currently not being used (ie a non windows authenticated user) with the relevant…
There might be a situation where current students are also employed by the School or the student has left and come back as Staff. To avoid a duplication, you should only use the one record within Sims. To do this, go to: Focus > Person > Staff > New Type the Surname of the Person…
There is a report called Group Analysis by Vulnerability Report that will give this information: In go to: Reports – Attendance/Lesson Monitor – Group Reports – Group Analysis by Vulnerability Report – select the date range you require – select SEN Status in the STAR Fields box – select the Group Type – set…
Following the data migration Scomis will run through checks before the school log in. We also require the school to perform specific tasks to ensure that all staff are prepared. Data Checking Basic Data Check Scomis will complete a basic data checking and acceptance exercise, testing known elements of SIMS .net and FMS to ensure…
The Migration Process While Scomis are performing the migration the school will still be able continue as normal without the access to SIMS and other applications listed below. A. During Migration School staff can use computers in the school for email, Internet, MS Office access but must not use SIMS, FMS or related applications on…