How do I change the order of the years on the Model Screen?

On the Model screen in Nova-T6, use CTRL and UP or DOWN arrow to change the order of the years.  This will correct the order on the Transfer Curriculum screen too.  It also changes the order in which the schemes appear in the browse on Curriculum Assignment by Scheme in SIMS .net (though not for…

How do I set up non timetabled classes?

For ‘extra classes’ in Nova-T6, all you need to do is: On the Model screen:  add a block for them in the correct year.  Add the class(es) to the block, with 0 periods. On the Classes screen: Assign the correct staff to the classes Assign Levels to the classes in Tools | Assign Levels There…

Unrecognised Teacher Codes when sending timetable.

Teachers Codes: In SIMS .net, check Focus | Person | Staff.  Change the status to All and search for the teacher in question by inputting part of the surname and/or forename.  If the person does not exist here, then they will need to be added, using the New button. Once the person has been entered…

What is the purpose of the Combing Chart?

The combing chart checks how well groups of  staffed classes will fit into the timetable.  It is useful to do this process before scheduling. Classes must be staffed and blocks must be built before using the combing chart. Blocks are staffed by teams of teachers.  Where at least one teacher is allocated to two blocks,…

Type mismatch when scheduling a block

Message appears in the right hand side of the Bands screen when a session is dragged over a particular period on the grid. This message also appears in the Clash information when trying to drag a row from the build onto the timetable Nova-T6 The message means that there is a Period Type on the…

How do I bulk print the teacher timetables?

Teacher timetables cannot be bulk printed from Nova-T6. Bulk printing of teacher timetables can be done from SIMS .net  using route Reports |  Timetables |  Staff Timetables. Indvidual staff timetables can be printed from Nova-T6 and an all staff timetable can be printed. Timetables for different groups of teachers can be printed using Timetable |…

How to Add a Behaviour Incident to a Pupil/Student Record.

You will need to be a member of any of the following User Groups in System Manager to add behaviour incidents: Administration Assistant, Admissions Officer, Attendance Manager, Class Teacher, Pastoral Manager, Registration Tutor, School Administrator, SEN Coordinator, Senior Management Team. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required…

Recording Staff Absences in Cover 7

1. From the Cover Arrangements page, click the New Absence button to display the Record Classroom Staff Absence dialog. 2. Select the absent member of staff in the Staff panel (use the Ctrl key to select multiple staff members). 3. Select a reason for the absence in the Reasons panel. 4. In the Duration panel,…

How do I add/Edit a Look up?

You will need to be a member of either the School Administrator or System Manager user groups in System Manager to run this function. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required Permissions. Editing lookups. 1. Select Tools | Lookups | Maintain to display the Find Lookup Type…

How do I Import Look ups?

You will need to be a member of the School Administrator user group in System Manager to import lookups. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required permissions. 1. Select Tools | Lookups | Import Lookups to display the Import Lookups page 2. Click the Select File button…

How do I Delete Unlinked Contacts?

NOTE: This process permanently removes unlinked contacts. You may wish to carry out a backup before proceeding. 1. Select Tools | Housekeeping | Delete Unlinked Contacts to display the Find Unlinked Contacts browser. 2. Click the Search button to list all available unlinked contacts. If you wish to delete a specific unlinked contact, enter any…

How do I Bulk Update Information in SIMS?

The facility to Bulk Update pupil/student information enables you to simultaneously assign values to a group of pupil/students, and then edit any individual exceptions if required. Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Update. The Group Type indicates the type of group you wish to work with whilst the Group allows you to select the…

Activating and De-Activating Seats in Exams Organiser.

The room layout for an individual examination can be amended to suit your requirements. For example, you may wish to deactivate an extra block of seats to allow room for more invigilators. 1. Highlight the seat(s) you wish to deactivate by either clicking an individual seat or dragging across a group of seats. 2. Right-click…

How do I change the candidate status from External to Internal?

If a candidate was previously defined as an external candidate, but has since joined your establishment, you can transfer their status from external candidate to internal candidate. Using this routine means that you do not have to delete their entries, delete them as an external candidate, re-assign them as an internal candidate and recreate their…

How do I add an External Candidate into Exams Organiser?

You cannot add external candidates if the season is locked or closed. 1. Select Focus | Candidates | External to display the External Candidate browser. 2. Click the Add button to display the Add a new Candidate  dialog. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you intend to enter a former student for examinations as an external candidate, ensure…