Data Collection Notifications on Homepage when using ParentApp Lite

It is possible to view and approve changes made by parents through Parent App via the SIMS homepage. From the SIMS Homepage, click on the “Configure” button on the top right hand side. From here you will need to add a new panel by using the arrow buttons on the right hand side of the…

Creating Assessment Lookup Tables

For guidance on how to create an Assessment Lookup Table, please see the document below: Creating Lookup Tables For further queries, please contact the Scomis Service Desk on 01392 385300

Sims Assessment – Enhancements for the SIMS 2019 7.186 Spring Release

Annual Updates to Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles for 2019 Applicable to schools in England only Routines | Data In | Assessment | Import The following resources have been updated for 2019 and are available from the AMPA\England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary)\Assessment Manager folder: EYFS Profile Template 2019.xml EYFS Profile Wizard 2019.xml. Annual Updates…

Creating SEN Review Letters to send in bulk

This FAQ – – shows how to edit and create SEN review letters for single pupils. Below are instructions to create these letters for pupils with SEN reviews in bulk. Go to Reports – Design Report – Open Existing Report. Browse through the folders to Focus – SEN Review and open up the SEN…

Editing SEN Review Letter

When adding reviews to an SEN record, you can create a letter to send to parents directly from this area. Go to the pupil record and click on the SEN link on the right hand side. Scroll down or click the hyperlink to panel 4 – Reviews. Once you have created the review for this…

Updating Pupils with Top-Up Funding

Tools | Statutory Return Tools | Update Top-Up Funding to display the Update Pupils with Top-up Funding screen. Any pupils currently recorded as having top-up funding are displayed in the Top-up Funding list (located in the bottom half of the page) Use the Students On-Roll on Census Day search criteria to locate the additional pupils…

Travel Tab Not Showing For Parents

Schools may have selected the Travel tab in the Product Admin in order for it to appear for parents in ParentApp however the tab is not showing in the app               The reason for this is that the tab in the app is linked to the Route lookup table….

Preparing your Workstation for TLS 1.2

This guide will give you some general advice on how to prepare your workstation for TLS 1.2.  TLS or Transport Layer Security is the encryption that is used to protect your internet traffic whilst it is going over the internet.  There have been several iterations of the protocol, starting with SSL 1, 2 and 3…

Where can I find the SPS Safety Reports?

Capita have recently released a new suite of reports called the SPS Safety Reports. The SPS Safety Reports are a suite of reports which simply imports into SIMS and will allow detailed analysis on any key group, subject, class and individual for attendance, behaviour, achievements, staff absence and homework. For both primary and secondary schools….

Invalid variant type conversion when using Seating Organiser

This issue has proved extremely difficult for Scomis or Capita to replicate Therefore, If you are experiencing this issue, Please remove the seating plan and re-create it. This should resolve your issue. Apologies for any inconvenience. Reviewed 24/5/19

Dinner Money – Recording a Write Off

This facility enables you to write off all or part of an outstanding balance for a selected pupil or staff member. 1. Select Focus | Dinner Money | Pupil (or Staff) Additional Transactions to display the Find Pupil (or Staff) browser 2. Search for and select the required individual. The Pupil (or Staff) Payments and…

How Do I Configure the Homepage to Add Attendance Widgets?

1)To configure the homepage, click configure top right corner, see screen shot below:   2)You may need to add additional tiles via the grid above to add your desired attendance widget. To do this click “Number of Additional Panels” add the number and click the tick button.  This will create blank tiles for you to…

How to delete a duplicate pupil record

The admission number will no longer exist so it is important to keep a note of it with the school’s official roll book. The path required is Routines>Pupil>Delete Pupil Search for the pupil and use the red cross to delete.   kb23531    

Setting up an SEN Review

All children with SEN should be reviewed on a regular basis to foster good working relationships with pupils and their parents. This should take place termly for all pupils, although pupils who have been issued with a Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are required to have an annual review involving the LA….

What Are Interventions and How To Use Them

SIMS Interventions enables schools to enrol pupil/students, who are not achieving or behaving as expected, on a course of intervention measures. It is possible to allocate additional resources, monitor the use of these resources and gauge how these resources affect Key Performance Indicators, as well as record the cost of the resources. This enables schools…

Sims ID – Reset Your Password

You can only change your own password if your site has been configured to allow this. To reset your password click on the “Hello your name” (top right of screen) and choose ‘Change Password’.   As you type the new password hints are given to help you comply with the SIMS ID password complexity policy….

SIMS ID – Password Recovery

What to do if you forget your password:   If you forget your password, you can click on the ‘Forgotten password’ link from If you forget your username, please contact your SIMS ID Site Administrator. When resetting your password you will be asked to provide your username and asked to answer one of your…

Student Teacher View

The Pupil (or Student) Teacher View provides a summary of the following pupil/student information in read-only format using widgets, which functionin a similar way to those found on the SIMS Home Page: Basic details Timetable Achievements Behaviour incidents Assessment key indicators Attendance Attendance initiatives There are many benefits to using the Student Teacher View. The…

Configuring Assessment Widget on the Homepage

To configure the assessment wizard on your homepage you can do the following:  Go to configure in the top right hand corner of the homepage Amend the number of panels to make sure you have an extra one than is already showing and press the green tick. Drag the assessment widget onto your new panel…

How do I add reports to the favourites panel on the SIMS homepage?

There are two ways to get your favourite report(s) to show on the SIMS homepage favourites panel. Option 1 Reports > Design Reports > Open Existing Report > right click over the report you want to add and select Add to favourites. Option 2 Reports > Run reports > locate the report from the report…

Assessment Scores- What is ?

What is a Raw Score? The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. What is a Scaled score? Scaled Score results are reported consistently from one year to the next.  The national curriculum tests are designed to be as…

Taking SIMS Registers in the classroom

Top 10 Reasons for giving teachers access to SIMS in the classroom All teachers will need to be set up with a SIMS login in System Manager and given the permission of Class Teacher. (This will also enable them to have access to basic information about their pupils i.e. contact and address information, attendance etc….

Homepage Group Configuration

Homepage Groups enable schools to set a standard Homepage Configuration for staff groups. Only those with a role of Employee in SIMS can be added to a home page group. Go to Routines | Homepage | Homepage Group Configuration Clicking Search will display the embedded groups : Use the embedded groups by clicking on them…

What is SIMS Documentation?

SIMS Documentation is a site created by Capita for information and instructional documents on SIMS. The documentation site can be accessed via the SIMS Homepage through the following button . Once in SIMS Documentation you will be able to search for documents based on your role in school.