SIMS and FMS Upgrade Spring 2019

Our release dates: NB We will not be upgrading the hosted platform or releasing the upgrade via Solus on 5th April as planned.  This is because Capita are investigating a potential CTF issue with the Spring release.  We are awaiting more details and will update this post with the new release date as soon as we…

Changes to Teacher App

On February 28th there will be an update to SIMS Services Manager and Teacher App. There have been several technical changes made to the SSM package, Teacher App and the Teacher App Administrator websites due to Microsoft retiring their support for the “Access Control Service” (ACS). If the appropriate action outlined below is not taken, Teacher App…

How can I see all InTouch messages that have been sent and received?

There are two ways that this information can be viewed. The first is through Focus/In Touch/Show Messages. This displays an Inbox and Sent box. However, an easier and more beneficial way to see this information is by running an InTouch report. Please go to Reports/InTouch/Messaging Audit. This report provides details of all messages sent to,…

SIMS Parent For Parents FAQ

  I can’t remember my password. What should I do? Visit the website of your account provider (i.e. Microsoft, Google, Facebook or Twitter) and follow their instructions for resetting your password. Do I need to register separately for each of my children attending this school? No. When you sign in to SIMS Parent, events and…

SIMS Parent for Schools FAQ

Which parent records are pulled into SIMS Parent? SIMS Parent pulls through all individuals with parental responsibility, regardless of the contact priority recorded in SIMS. If a person with parental responsibility has a current court order recorded in SIMS against their relationship with all of their children, the parent will not be recognised by SIMS…

How to bulk delete results in Assessment Manager 7 for an aspect

Select route:- Tools | Performance | Assessment | System Utilities | Results Select – Delete a Selection of Results Next Browse to the Group required Select ALL (or tick the students required) Click Apply Click Next Browse to the Aspects the results are associated with Tick required aspects and Click Apply Select either  Result Set…

Microsoft Remote Desktop Web Client Information

Remote Desktop Web Client is a Microsoft Solution that empowers any modern HTML 5 Standards Compliant web browser to access a Remote Desktop application without the need to install any additional software on the end users device. Scomis have successfully piloted the Web Client to a select number of schools during the period February to…

Archiving Attendance Marks

To improve the performance of SIMS when viewing and editing attendance marks, session marks can be archived. All marks, with the exception of those recorded in the current academic year and the preceding academic year, can be archived. When the data has been archived, it is no longer available for editing. However, reports can still…

Parent Lite Notification Mailmerge Report

Capita have published a letter to send to parents to notify them you will be using ParentLite. You can download the report definition below and follow the instructions to run it as a mailmerge for your school. SIMS Parent Lite notification (report definition) Download and save this file somewhere you can get to through SIMS….

Assigning Levels to classes in Nova T6

In order for Course Manager to be correct the levels for classes in Nova T6 need to be correct. To update the levels in Nova T6  go to Tools / Assign Levels Levels can be updated for year, the block, or the individual class by clicking into the appropriate row on the table. You may need…

Adding a User Defined Group to Discover

It is possible to create a User Defined Group in Sims and use this group to report in Discover.  For Example, it may be that you wish to report on Whole School attendance in Discover but that you want to exclude Nursery children.  For help on creating a User Defined Group please see FAQ: Creating…

Resetting Parental Ballot Flags

All parents who have a child registered as on-roll at the school are eligible to stand for election when there is a vacancy for a parent governor. The term ‘parents’ includes natural parents and anyone else with parental responsibility. The Parental Ballot check box can be selected via Focus > Pupil (Or Student) – Family/Home…

How to update the Mailing Point in SIMS

The Mailing Point check box can be used to show which sibling should receive any correspondance from the school. To identify the child considered to be the mailing point for the family, select the Mailing Point check box via Focus > Pupil (or Student) on the Family/Home panel. Only one child should be designated as…

How to create a mail merge letter report

  Create your report as normal, including any fields that you want to include and any filters that are necessary. Go through the report wizard until you get to ‘Report Output’ and select Word Mailmerge. Click ‘New’ to create a new template. When word opens, you can then begin typing in a letter template. If…

Can you change the percentages in Attendance Discover graphs?

Certain attendance Discover graphs displays totals by percentages, for example: 100% 99% 98% 97% etc. These can be changed. It is possible to specify the ranges used on the x-axis of attendance interval and late interval graphs (such as the Percentage Session Attendance Year to Date and Percentage Lates graphs). Open the Discover Administration Utility…

4Matrix Upgrades

15-1-2020 NOTE – Due to a change in the installer for 4Matrix the customer can no longer Update 4Matrix. A request will have to be sent to the Service Desk and updated on a school by school basis. This will be looked into further.   A new launcher process has been developed that will put…

Tidy and Merge Address Routines

The Tidy and Merge Address routines within SIMS are routines that should be run to keep your addresses up to date. It stops duplication of addresses and means that you are less likely to have issues with things such as family links and ‘lives with parent’. Firstly, you should run the unmatchable addresses report from…

How to record an address with no postcode (PO Box).

Schools can provide the department with their addresses in whichever format their data is held within their MIS – either; BS7666 address format, (SAON, PAON, post town or other address items) or; address line 1 to 5. Postcode is mandatory for either format. Whilst every effort must be made to obtain these pupil details, the…

Summer School Census 2019 Return Dates and LA Advice

Census Date:  Thursday 16th May 2019 Back to the School Census Bulletin Return Dates and Contacts Dfe Return Date: Awaiting Confirmation LA Specific Advice Cambridgeshire Awaiting Confirmation Cornwall Return Date: Thursday 16th May Email: Telephone: 01872 327811 Devon   Return Date: 16th May 2019 Email: Portsmouth Return Date: 23rd May 2019 Contact:…

Scomis Hosted 2016 Printing Requirement

Scomis Hosted Application 2016 Service uses Microsoft Remote Desktop Printing.This means that any printers which are used with Scomis Hosted Application Service are required to be Microsoft Certified and Compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2016.If they are not on the Microsoft certified list, which can be found below, printing from Scomis Hosted may have unpredictable…