New Functions in SIMS Spring 2022

New functionality in the SIMS Spring release, includes, managing attendance sub-codes, importing ATF improvements, maintaining orphaned documents, reporting enhanacements in Cover, dictionary enhancements and enhancements to student list reports. Click here for video – Managing Attendance Sub-Codes Click here for video – Importing ATF improvements Click here for video – Maintaining orphaned linked documents Click…

How do I remove contacts of leaver pupil/students in

You may find over the years your contacts lists in Focus > Person > Contacts, builds up as students/pupils leave your school. You will need to keep contacts of leaver pupils/students for 6 years or more depending on your schools data policy. You can remove any older records via the following steps: Select the following…

Completing the daily DfE Educational Settings form

To support schools in completing the daily DfE Educational Settings form we have put together a SIMS report that brings together the key student data in a simple to read table. Running this report should reduce the time required to complete the Educational Settings form.   Please follow the instructions in the setting up guide…

SIMS Attendance – how to report on COVID-19 sub codes

To report on COVID-19 Sub Codes in SIMS please go to Reports > Attendance/Lesson Monitor > Selected Pupil Reports > Subcode Report. Here you can select what date range is required and what group of pupils you would like to report on. Click ‘Search’ and ‘Print’ to run the report.

New Functions in SIMS Autumn 2021

Autumn 2021 SIMS Update New functionality in the SIMS Autumn release, includes adding lookups for Covid medical events; adding UPN, achievement\behaviour points or Pupil Premium to marksheets; adding additional information such as assessable grades to examinations; update to reporting and some housekeeping help for bulk deleting old admission applications. ESS Product videos can be found…

External Connector Upgrade

Scomis are making changes to the External Connector which will add a layer of resiliency to the service.  In addition, to the resiliency, the External Connector Upgrade will also refresh the digital certificates that are used by the service, helping to ensure that the service keeps data secure during transit. About External Connector The External…

A2C Migration App Update 2021

Hosted Schools: Schools have recently received contact from JCQ to update the A2C Migration App to the new A2C Transport App: The latest A2C Transport app has been installed as recommended by JCQ. Users will continue to use the “A2C Exams Transfer” shortcut within SIMS. A prompt will now be presented when opening the shortcut….

How do I update Solus to reflect a change in support provider?

If you have changed support provider to Scomis, you will need to send an email to Education Software Solutions to ask for your Solus to be updated to reflect that Scomis are now your current support providers.  This enabled Scomis to authorise upgrades and send out patches to you.   Please email  ESS will…

Funding and Monitoring – Example of repeating Year 13

The screenshots below are an example of how to record a repeating year 13. Using a student named Hannah will illustrate a method for taking account of students repeating year 13 and thereby extending their learning and programme aims into a third year. Hannah is several months too old to be taught in year 13…

Updating Funding and Monitoring – School Census Autumn

The pupil level Update Funding and Monitoring functionality is provided to enable schools to record aspects of the Education Recovery Package required by the DfE. The data is collected for the first time in the School Census Autumn 2021 Return. The information must be recorded via the Tools menu and then the details entered can…

EYFS – Reception Baseline Assessment

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a statutory assessment from September 2021 onwards. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between reception and the end of primary school. Full information about the reception baseline…

Changes to SIMS Pay & InTouch

In February, ESS SIMS was acquired by new independent owners and is therefore no longer part of Capita. As of the 21st May 2021 the legal name of the company formerly known as Capita ESS Ltd will be changing to Education Software Solutions Ltd. The abbreviation ‘ESS’, which they have been using since February, will…

How to add an Inset day to SIMS

Go to Focus > School > School Diary. Find the correct date and right click on this field and select ‘New Staff Training’. Enter ‘Staff Training Day’ as the category and ensure the Session options are correct. If necessary enter a description. Click OK and this will have been added to the Diary. Students will automatically…

Getting Started with the SIMS Parent App Lite – A Parents’ Guide

What do I need to register for the SIMS Parent App Lite? Before beginning the registration processes, you will need the following: 1. Your unique registration email. Your school will send to you a registration email that contains a registration link and an invitation code. This email will be sent from Capita SIMS ( If…

DCC Schools Finance Forms – link does not exist

  When trying to download DCC Finance Forms – I am getting an error saying link has been removed. Who do I contact? Forms – Support for schools ( When selecting Finance Forms and Cheque Pay In Form I get the following error … Please report any issues with School Forms downloads to the contact…

Deleting Staff in Personnel due to GDPR

Routines > Staff > Delete Staff In most cases, it is not possible to delete the entire record of a staff member because of the complexity of links to other data within SIMS. In the Spring 2019 release of SIMS Capita relaxed some of the rules that prevented deletion in previous versions, mainly to cover…

SOLUS URL Change – download of patches and updates failing

Capita have changed the service URL for their SOLUS3 Platform: The old URL was The new URL is What is the impact for users of SOLUS3? The downloading of patches and updates via SOLUS3 may fail if the new URL is not approved for access via internet filtering systems. Capita are therefore recommending that customers…

Scomis Hosted Applications Connector v6.16/7 – What’s New?

After upgrading to version v6.16/7 of the Scomis Hosted Apps connector (to access your hosted SIMS account) you may wonder what has changed… Scomis Hosted Connector v6.16/7 release: Version v6.16/7 Connector builds upon the success of the v6.10 Connector.  The new v6.16 Connector for Windows fixed several bugs as well as added new features. The…

View UPN’s on a Marksheet

How to view pupil UPN’s on an Assessment or Exams Marksheet The DfE states “UPNs are not [to be] printed or written on any reports or similar documents • UPNs are not [to be] disclosed to anyone without valid consent or legitimate reason” See DFE Guidance on Unique Pupil Numbers However, if it is deemed…

B2B Covid Attendance Sub Codes not transferring to the LA

  Local Authorities receiving attendance data via B2B have reported that since the introduction of the Covid-19 absence subcodes, information being transferred is not as accurate as required. Patch 26491 has been released by ESS which will need to be applied via DBupgrade on the SIMS server. After applying the patch when exporting the data…

Connecting to a Scomis Workspace

It is possible to connect to the Scomis Hosted Application Service ie hosted SIMS using Apple IOS Android devices and Android devices from home or in school using the Microsoft Remote Desktop client. NOTE:  Capita SIMS .net requires Microsoft Office Products for reporting, it is therefore the responsibility of all schools to ensure that all…

How to amend Work Email address to Home Email on Data Collection Sheet

The standard Data Collection Sheet only displays the Work Email address of a contact. This can be amended in several ways, the most stress-free approach is to update the field in the report so that the main email address takes the place of the work email address. This can be done as shown below. 1….

HCSS – Missing FMS/P7 Link in HCSS Budget companion

If a Devon Maintained school are missing the FMS or P7 link in the HCSS Budget companion, please contact “The Access Group” for the school and ask for the link to be re-instated. The contact telephone number is:0845 340 4546 Please have the school address and post code to quote. The Access group are normally…

FMS – Ledger code deletion/Conversion

When a ledger code is setup it is setup with a type e.g ES – Salaries, EX  – Expenditure or IN – Income.  These codes  can now only be deleted or converted in the following scenarios as defined by ESS   Scenario 1 – Ledger code no longer required and has not been used –…

Examinations Bulletin Summer 2021 – Updated 07/07/2021

Key Dates: Summer 2021 SIMS and FMS Upgrade provisional release date: 16th July 2021 Download days (9th & 11th August): The Scomis Service Desk will be open from 07:00 to 17:00 Results days (10th & 12th August): The Scomis Service Desk will be open from 08:00 to 17:00 01/07/2021 Are you prepared for downloading the…

How to use Covid subcodes

The subcodes can be used for more granular reporting on the I codes. Once you have entered your I code into the register you can right click on the mark and select “Enter Subcode”       Make sure the padlock is off and says overwrite as per the screenshot.          …

How to manually reset an External Connector

An error message saying “Reason 0” may sometimes appear when trying to log into the local version of SIMS. You will first need to try using this Diagnostic tool as shown in this FAQ: If this does not work, you will then need to try resetting this manually as shown below: Open Services on…