Course Manager – What is the purpose of the two Auto Update boxes

Auto Update Class Links This tick box is to allow Nova-T6 to remove and/or add classes to the course.  This is done when the curriculum and timetable is sent from Nova-T6 to SQL. If the box is ticked, then when a class is exported from Nova-T6 with the same subject and level as the course,…

Examinations Bulletin Summer 2019 – UPDATED 21/08/19 @ 11:30

Key Dates: Summer 2019 SIMS and FMS Upgrade release date: 26th July 2019 Download days: The Scomis Service desk will be open from 07:00 to 17:00 on results download days – 14th, 15th, 21st & 22nd August 2019. 21/08/2019 UPDATED @ 11:30 OCR Drama J3169A and J316B When importing a result file for students who…

Updated KS2 Wizards – Comparative Report

Capita provides a KS2 Comparative England 2019 report in SIMS that enables schools to provide parents with information on the school’s current Year 6 end of key stage outcomes alongside comparable national data from 2018. Unfortunately, some inconsistencies have been identified in the report in the way the data is currently presented for national performance…

Sims Attendance – Possible Attendance

When looking at a student’s Individual Registration Attendance report (accessed via links on the right hand side of the student record) you may find that possible attendance varies from one student to another.   Attendance codes D, #, Y, X and Z are ‘Attendance Not Required’ codes. As these codes indicate that attendance is not…

Setting up B2B Scheduled Tasks – Hosted Schools

To setup B2B tasks to send information to your local authority, you can follow these steps: Firstly, you will need to follow this FAQ – to make sure you are configured correctly – Once you have done this, do the following:  Go into Routines – Data Exchange – Manage Tasks Press ‘Search’ and you will…

Parent App – Sending out Data Collection to pre-admission groups

It is possible to send out data collection via Parent App to pre-admission groups. Applicants must be in a valid pre-admission group and have an application status of “Accepted”. You can only invite these users in bulk by the groups, they will not appear at all in the individual users lists. One thing worth noting,…

Summer 2019 Upgrade to Sims and FMS

Documentation: Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded here: Summer 2019 Combined Release Note FMS Summer 2019 Release Note The links below show short videos highlighting key information about the enhancements that come as part of the SIMS Summer 2019 release. People in Sims with the Same Address…

ScoLearn – Using Digital Learning

Home Page The course homepage will display the introduction and all the course modules. Each course will have a different number of modules to complete. Click on each module and work through all the required modules. Modules Every course has a different number of modules to be completed. Each module will focus on a different…

Student School Career Attendance Report

This report will show you the attendance and % attendance for the student since their date of admission. Reports > Lesson Monitor > Whole Group Student Reports > Student School Career Attendance Report. Attendances and % Attendance include both present and Approved Educational Activity  

Is there an audit trail in Attendance / Lesson Monitor 7?

There is no audit trail in Attendance or Lesson Monitor. The History of changes Report will: Show students who have had a change of mark recorded within the specified date range. All changed marks and their reason for change are shown. When a session mark is saved, SIMS checks if a mark already exists. If…

Is there an audit trail in SIMS?

There is currently no audit trail in SIMS so you will not be able to see which user changed something. If you do know the date and time of when something was changed, then this can be checked against session logins. Go to Focus | System Manager | User Access Log. This displays which users logged…

Viewing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on the Sims Home Page

The Pupil (or Student) Teacher View provides a summary of the following pupil/student information in read-only format using widgets, which function in a similar way to those found on the SIMS Home Page: Basic details Timetable Achievements Behaviour incidents Assessment key indicators Attendance Attendance interventions For Further guidance on this, please refer to the documentation…

School Census – Migrating MIS data to Sims

If you have recently migrated your pupil and staff data into a Sims database from another MIS system (e.g. RM Integris) and you do not have sufficient historical information in your Sims database to complete the census a template can be requested from the DfE to input the additional information. Please complete a DfE service…

How Do I Spoil A cheque?

If you have a cheque that has e.g. been damaged by the printer you will need to spoil the cheque within FMS, in order to re-run the cheque processing for the suppliers associated with the cheque numbers of the spoilt cheques. 1) You can only spoil a cheque if you have not confirmed printing.  When…

Compile Error in Sims Quick Letter – Office 2010 (64-bit Edition)

The issue is caused by the language used as part of the Macros for the Quick Letter uploading process. For Hosted schools, the  “Quickletter Edit” shortcut has been updated so that the QuickLetterTemplate-Office2010 can now be found in F:\PUBLIC\SIMS\QuickLetter. To resolve this issue; Run the Quickletter Edit shortcut (This will copy in the Office2010 template…

Problems downloading files from the Devon transfer site

When downloading your files, please note that when you ”Download all” , all of the files will be downloaded as one batch.  This may cause an issue as all of the different types of files (ATF, reconciliation files etc) are coming down in one zipped file and you may find it difficult to retrieve the file. …

Unable to Fix Budget: FMS Error: Budget cannot be fixed. Cost Centre expenditure limits must be equal to expenditure allocations at ledger code level

When trying to fix the budget in FMS you may receive the error above.  This is because the Expense Limit and Expense Allocated figures do not match. To match these figures go to; Focus | Budget Management | Cost Centre Allocation. Click the “Columns” icon and select “Expense Limit” and “Expense Allocated ” You will…

Data Collection Notifications on Homepage when using ParentApp Lite

It is possible to view and approve changes made by parents through Parent App via the SIMS homepage. From the SIMS Homepage, click on the “Configure” button on the top right hand side. From here you will need to add a new panel by using the arrow buttons on the right hand side of the…

Creating Assessment Lookup Tables

For guidance on how to create an Assessment Lookup Table, please see the document below: Creating Lookup Tables For further queries, please contact the Scomis Service Desk on 01392 385300

Sims Assessment – Enhancements for the SIMS 2019 7.186 Spring Release

Annual Updates to Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles for 2019 Applicable to schools in England only Routines | Data In | Assessment | Import The following resources have been updated for 2019 and are available from the AMPA\England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary)\Assessment Manager folder: EYFS Profile Template 2019.xml EYFS Profile Wizard 2019.xml. Annual Updates…

Creating SEN Review Letters to send in bulk

This FAQ – – shows how to edit and create SEN review letters for single pupils. Below are instructions to create these letters for pupils with SEN reviews in bulk. Go to Reports – Design Report – Open Existing Report. Browse through the folders to Focus – SEN Review and open up the SEN…

Editing SEN Review Letter

When adding reviews to an SEN record, you can create a letter to send to parents directly from this area. Go to the pupil record and click on the SEN link on the right hand side. Scroll down or click the hyperlink to panel 4 – Reviews. Once you have created the review for this…

Updating Pupils with Top-Up Funding

Tools | Statutory Return Tools | Update Top-Up Funding to display the Update Pupils with Top-up Funding screen. Any pupils currently recorded as having top-up funding are displayed in the Top-up Funding list (located in the bottom half of the page) Use the Students On-Roll on Census Day search criteria to locate the additional pupils…

Travel Tab Not Showing For Parents

Schools may have selected the Travel tab in the Product Admin in order for it to appear for parents in ParentApp however the tab is not showing in the app               The reason for this is that the tab in the app is linked to the Route lookup table….