Recording Staff Absences in Cover 7

1. From the Cover Arrangements page, click the New Absence button to display the Record Classroom Staff Absence dialog. 2. Select the absent member of staff in the Staff panel (use the Ctrl key to select multiple staff members). 3. Select a reason for the absence in the Reasons panel. 4. In the Duration panel,…

How do I add/Edit a Look up?

You will need to be a member of either the School Administrator or System Manager user groups in System Manager to run this function. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required Permissions. Editing lookups. 1. Select Tools | Lookups | Maintain to display the Find Lookup Type…

How do I Import Look ups?

You will need to be a member of the School Administrator user group in System Manager to import lookups. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required permissions. 1. Select Tools | Lookups | Import Lookups to display the Import Lookups page 2. Click the Select File button…

How do I Bulk Update Information in SIMS?

The facility to Bulk Update pupil/student information enables you to simultaneously assign values to a group of pupil/students, and then edit any individual exceptions if required. Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Update. The Group Type indicates the type of group you wish to work with whilst the Group allows you to select the…

Activating and De-Activating Seats in Exams Organiser.

The room layout for an individual examination can be amended to suit your requirements. For example, you may wish to deactivate an extra block of seats to allow room for more invigilators. 1. Highlight the seat(s) you wish to deactivate by either clicking an individual seat or dragging across a group of seats. 2. Right-click…

How do I change the candidate status from External to Internal?

If a candidate was previously defined as an external candidate, but has since joined your establishment, you can transfer their status from external candidate to internal candidate. Using this routine means that you do not have to delete their entries, delete them as an external candidate, re-assign them as an internal candidate and recreate their…

How do I add an External Candidate into Exams Organiser?

You cannot add external candidates if the season is locked or closed. 1. Select Focus | Candidates | External to display the External Candidate browser. 2. Click the Add button to display the Add a new Candidate  dialog. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you intend to enter a former student for examinations as an external candidate, ensure…

How do I add a Season in Exams Organiser?

In setting up your season patterns, you should bear in mind that you cannot import two instances of the same element or component into one season. Therefore, if you were to declare a long season, say March to June, that is supposed to contain two opportunities to take OCR GCSE Science or Maths modules, you…

How do I close a season in Exams Organiser?

A season may be closed when you have finished administering the examinations for that season and all the results have been received. It is only possible to close a season after the user has confirmed that all results have been finalised. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a season has been closed, it will not be possible to…

How do I unlock a season in Exams Organiser?

A season can be unlocked after a submission has been made, for example. Unlocking a season enables the data to be amended, i.e. candidates can be entered for examinations, forecast grades can be entered and basedata can be imported or refreshed, etc. Click the Seasons button on the Application Bar or select Tools | School…

Free staff not showing as available for Cover or Cover Rota.

If the Timetable has contains blanking codes for the staff members not showing they will not be available for cover, the blanking codes will need to be removed from the Timetable in Nova and the Timetable sent across to SIMS.   1) Check that staff have the correct working pattern in SIMS .net | Focus…

Student showing ‘-‘ instead of ‘#’ marks in Attendance.

New pupils have arrived at beginning of term that were not in an admission group but they show a ‘-‘ instead of # marks at the start of the week. 1.  Run through Update Academic Year for the relevant academic year through Routines | School | Edit Academic year. No edits need to be made…

Advice on starting the Timetable early.

  Starting Next Year’s – Starting Next Year’s Curriculum Early Guide Applicable to 2015 onwards Some schools start next year’s curriculum early. – using the same timetable – using a new timetable Some schools see this as an introduction to next year’s courses and therefore do not record the students as actually starting these courses during the summer…

Basedata imported into wrong season

As long as no entries have been made against the basedata then the basedata can be deleted and re-imported into the correct season.  To delete the basedata start at the lowest level i.e. components, then element, award and finally series. Reviewed on 28/07/2020 – AT             Reviewed – 26/05/2015

How to format dates in Excel reports.

When report is run the date of birth will show i.e 21st January 2001 would like the format to be 21/01/01. To format the date in the report as required after export to excel, please follow the below mentioned steps: 1. Select the ‘DOB’ column in the Excel report output. 2. Go to Menu Data…

Can I delete old CTF Files?

When CTF files are exported, an XML export file is created and stored in the CTF Export Directory that was specified when you configured the CTF defaults (via Tools | Setups | CTF). Each XML file will have an individual file name when viewed through Windows® Explorer. The first seven digits of the file name…

Why is it important to know how many users connect to SIMS?

Capita recommend that a Windows workstation running Windows 7 is suitable as a server for up to 5 users, due to the load that this puts on the machine. Scomis recommend that SIMS is made available to all teaching staff in a school, as it provides key up to date information for these staff about…

SIMS in the Classroom

Top Ten Reasons for Giving your Teachers Access to SIMS in the Classroom 1          Sims Home Page The SIMS Home Page is the key place where a class teacher, Head of Year or Key Stage can pick up on key performance data about the groups they teach or monitor.  The Home Page is your dashboard…

How do I export the Certification Broadsheet Report?

To export the Certification Broadsheet Report as a CSV file, 1. Select the criteria for the Certification Broadsheet. 2. Do not click on Print as you will not be able to view AND Export the Report. 3. To Export the Report, click on the Export button immediately after selecting the criteria. 4. Save file as…