GroupCall Emerge on Terminal Server
Groupcall Emerge is an innovative app for iPhone, iPod and iPad devices that enables schools to have an up to the minute copy of SIMS data on a hand held device.
Groupcall Emerge is an innovative app for iPhone, iPod and iPad devices that enables schools to have an up to the minute copy of SIMS data on a hand held device.
Steps required to enable the A2C Exams application on Terminal Server.
Upgrading the Discover Client and Databases
Sometimes, although your mouse has been configured to work for a left handed user, when logging in to SIMS Terminal Server, the settings are lost. If this is the case, downloading and installing the appropriate Microsoft Intellipoint driver software corrects this. In some cases, you may need to consider purchasing or locating a newer mouse…
When using Teachers 2 Parents to create an extract and update T2P’s an error may occur ‘Invalid username or password’. T2P uses the username Teachers2Parents. This username and password can be checked by logging onto using the username ‘Teachers2Parents’ and the password, (on TSĀ log onto the local install of sims Start>All Programs>sims…
This article is only relevant for schools on our hosted applications platform who have 3rd party software which links with SIMS and which Scomis do not currently host (eg – current commonly used applications in school are Nationwide Cashless Catering, ALPS) Please see article for a full list of third party applications which fit…
This is usually a corrupt exe file…………
Setting the FMS eAdvices email parameters
To change a hosted applications username following a request from the school (normally if someone gets married) firstly login to SIMSNET01 and rename the user’s account in Active Directory, making sure all fields get updated including the login name field. Connect to the users school SIMS database. Go to Focus, System Manager and re Windows…
What is an external connector
Diagnose SIMS .net or FMS connectivity issues with the database server
Teachers to parents won’t work and is displaying an error message.
**************************************UPDATE************************************** Microsoft has now released free RDP Clients for OSX and iOS which Scomis now support for connecting to our services, Please see for more information on connecting to our Hosted Application Service for SIMS from home and in school. **************************************UPDATE**************************************
Error Message – “The client could not connect to the remote computer” Can the user access the Internet? – Load and browse a few of the news page. If No – check with other users in the school to see if Internet access is available or not. If other users are ok, it is…
This article covers the Idle session limits on the hosted application service” which is the length of time a session will receive no input from the user by either the keyboard or the mouse before a session is logged off.
You will need to make the file available on the Terminal Server………
If your screen goes black or is un-responsive, try using this key combination.
This is the current DCC Password Policy which is applied to the ScoMIS Managed Services. It is also the password policy which schools are recommended to use…
NovaT6 will prompt for a username and password on the Hosted Terminal Server if the user has launched NovaT6 from a custom shortcut.
If the fonts appear wrong on the page or the spacing of text is not correct, check the following…
More often that not, sessions are not actually frozen, so running through these tasks are likely to resolve most issues…
How to change your password in the SIMS Terminal Server.
Video guide on how to get you IP address for your computer. Click the link to watch.