Results files / Basedata not appearing in EDI EXAMIN directory

When attempting electronic import of information through Examinations Organiser the required files may not appear for selection. This probably means that the EDI software through which the files were downloaded has not placed them in the \EXAMIN directory defined in the Exams Module. Defining the EDI Directories Use route : Tools | School Setup |…

Import files are not present for the selected board and season

1. Check that current Season is correct for the Basedata selected. Check the user is ‘IN’ the correct Season. (At the bottom of Exams Organiser) 2. Check that the correct Basedata files for that Season are unzipped and in the EXAMIN directory. For example, if user is trying to import Basedata for June 2020, the…

Quick Contact Details Report

If you need to access student contact details, you can run the registration group list report. First, go to Reports – Student List – Registration Group List You will then need to select the group you are looking at You will then see the list of all of the pupils and the extra fields on…

Quick Contact Details Report

If you need to access student contact details, you can run the registration group list report. First, go to Reports – Student List – Registration Group List You will then need to select the group you are looking at You will then see the list of all of the pupils and the extra fields on…

Bulk Importing Student Emails & Telephone Numbers

Current (on Roll) student emails and telephone numbers can be imported directly into SIMS from a CSV file. Go to Routines | Data In | Pupil (or Student) Data | Import from Spreadsheet. School Administrators can now import pupil/student personal email addresses and telephone numbers. To find out more details, go to the documentation centre…

DFE FSM Ever 6 Report for 2021/22

To download the report file, click here : FSM EVER 6 – Secondary FSM EVER 6 – Primary Please note that these reports can only be an approximation of FSM Ever6 as used by the DfE for allocating Deprivation Pupil Premium. For example, the DfE knows the YTI reported for pupils in School Census when…

Using SIMS in the classroom for attendance

For Registration to take place there are a few steps schools need to complete but the software itself is part of Sims .net and probably the school’s admin team are already using it. 1 – Each teacher needs access to a workstation where they can connect to the Scomis Hosted Application service – download from – 2…

Sims TeacherApp – Summary of Setup Process for Hosted and Non Hosted Schools.

Below is a summary of the process for hosted schools and non hosted schools.  Linked documentation shows the details of each step of the process. Teacherapp Installation and Setup Guide SIMS TeacherApp Administrators Guide Using Office 365 with SIMS Teacher App Hosted Schools: School contact Capita and order Sims Teacher App. School checks the pre-requisites….

Setup Process for SIMS Online Services (inc. Parent App)

This article details the four steps that are required to complete the on-boarding process for configuring SIMS Online Services. Step One – Requesting Joining the SIMS Online Services   To request Parent App Lite please click here. You will be asked for the following information: The School’s Options contact School name School Post Code School LA…

Fire Register in SIMS

To create a quick link to a fire register report you can do the following: Go to the shortcuts on the left hand side of SIMS and click on one of the arrows showing next to the different sections. Click on Add Panel and rename the panel to Reports. This way, you can save any…

Spring 2020 Upgrade to SIMS (V7.192) and FMS (V6.192)

The Spring 2020 Upgrade (V7.192) is planned to be rolled out over the weekend starting Friday 27th March 2020 Documentation: Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded here: Spring 2020 SIMS Combined Release Notes Spring 2020 FMS Release Notes Upgrade your own data? – you may find the…

Access Hosted SIMS via Chromebooks

       **FOR CHROMEBOOKS – This FAQ has now been superseded by so please follow that instead** There 2 connection methods available to Chromebooks users, RD Client (app required) and WebClient (browser based).  To connect to Hosted SIMS via the RD Client you will need to select one of links below. We offer…

Deploying Scomis Hosted SIMS from Chromebooks with GSuite Admin Console

There are two methods of accessing hosted SIMS from a Chromebook. Each method has pros and cons for different users. Please find a brief overview below.   Web Client – Click here. PROS Best for light usage (users who tend to only enter lesson attendance and assessment data into SIMS) Can export print jobs to…

Clearing locally cached internet browser files (WebClient)

After an update to the Scomis WebClient software it may be necessary to clear locally cached internet browser files which will remove any references to expired security certificates used on Scomis servers. When attempting to connect to WebClient a message from the web browser may be presented indicating that the server authentication certificate was unexpected,…

Sims Parent App – Two factor authentication /Multifactor authentication

The two factor authentication will work normally in Sims Parent for new sign ins if the two factor authentication was enabled on the sign in account (eg, Google, Microsoft, Facebook).  When signing in to Sims Parent on an unknown device you will be prompted to complete the two factor authentication. For further information. please see…

Options “The external directory for this implementation does not currently point to the Sims .net directory”

Within the Options Module, and after selecting the Implementation (Via Tools/Implementation Manager) you may receive a message “The external directory for this implementation does not currently point to the Sims . net directory” You will need to set the file path to G:\Sims .net  (leaving a space between sims and the . )   Reviewed 31/720

Nova-T6 Transfer to SQL hangs

Nova-T6 Data | Export Curriculum and Timetable to SQL When sending the timetable to SIMS it just hangs or does not complete To resolve this issue, in SIMS run Tools | Validate Memberships Reviewed 31/7/20  KB25621 

Spring Census 2020 – Filset 1404

Fileset 1403 has been released today and will be applied to all hosted schools. Non-hosted schools will need to download and import the fileset.  Fileset 1404 Click on the above link and save the file to your SIMS\ManifestFiles folder (The location of this folder will depend on your network setup) Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the…

Spring Census 2020 – Filset 1403

Fileset 1403 has been released today and will be applied to all hosted schools. Non-hosted schools will need to download and import the fileset.  Fileset 1403 Click on the above link and save the file to your SIMS\ManifestFiles folder (The location of this folder will depend on your network setup) Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the…

How do I add additional Parental Consents to my student records?

If you wish to add additional Parental Consent options to the student record these can be added by going to Tools > Lookups > Maintain. Search for Parental Consent and click ‘Open’. This will open the consent and you can click on ‘New’ to add an additional consent. Once this has been added click on…

External Connector – Multiple VPN Connections

In some cases it may be necessary for a central server to be connected with multiple data centres in order to obtain data from SIMS .net that will be used for Central reporting or other purposes. The Scomis External Connector was only designed to connect to the Scomis data centre only, this means that whilst…

Options – Import Students is greyed out

The first thing to check is, has the data been exported? Within Nova T6 go to Data – Export to Nova T4/Options and save the file into the Transfer folder. Then go to Options (Focus/Options) and select the Implementation (Tools/Implementation Manager).  Then import the file via, Tools/Transfers – Import – Curriculum from Nova-T6. Then select…

Common Discover Issues (Hosted Schools)

Discover icon missing from SIMS. If you are logged into Scomis Hosted 2016 and Discover is missing please try the following fix: Open File Manager from the shortcuts. Type in the following replacing * with your username:  C:\Users\***********\Windows\SIMS.INI Example C:\Users\Jill.Foster45\Windows\SIMS.INI The SIMS.ini file will open in notepad. Update the link which says: SIMSDiscoverDirectory=G:\Discover Client\ to:…

Report to generate classes and teachers

To generate this report, please go to: -Reports > Design Report > Create a new report -Select “Student” and then “on roll” -On the select data fields screen, select “Classes” (blue sub report), then select Class Name, Class Teacher, Students (blue sub report) First Name, surname.  Your previewed report will look like this:   Reviewed…

How do I remove Organisations in Cover?

When creating a booking using the icon a list of Organisations appear. If you wish to remove users from this list you can go to Tools > Cover > Organisations and Bookings > Manage Organisations and click You can then select the Organisation and click on The tick can then be removed from the Active Status…

How to assign permissions in SIMS

  If you have System Manager access in SIMS you can assign extra permissions to users in your SIMS Database, this KB will show you how: Step 1 – Browse to Focus>System Manager>Manage Users in SIMS. Step 2 – Search for the user via the search tab at the top of the page. Step 3…