Amending Sims and Sims Online Services TLS settings for B2B

Background :Local authorities use Capita ONE to receive attendance and student data from schools through B2B.   The next upgrade (version 3.66) to Capita ONE will require the TLS settings in Sims and in Sims Online services to be on either 1.1 or 1.2 otherwise the transfers will fail.  By default the TLS settings are at 1.0.  It is advised that all…

Resolving Check 99 errors

Below are the instructions to investigate any contacts identified on Check 99 of system diagnostics. Please note: Running database diagnostics Check99 again after taking remedial action will continue to highlight the records previously identified even though these items have been resolved. Possible Missing Address, telephone and email addresses Check in Focus > Person > Contacts for…

Re-Enabling Online Services

Due to the current CTF issues Capita have disabled all of their online services as a proactive precautionary step. This will affect: SIMS Parent & Parent Lite SIMS Activities SIMS Student SIMS Options SIMS Agora** To re-enable the services you will need to log on to your Online Services Admin Portal. This can be accessed…

SIMS Finance: How Do I Cancel a BACS run?

Bacs run can be cancelled via PRL614Q Step 1 –  Navigate Menus>SIMS Finance>PRL Options>BACS Processing or you can type PRL614Q n the filter screen. Please note: PRL at this stage does not know that a bacs payment has been reconciled so it is possible to cancel a payment even if it has been reconciled. If…

SIMS Finance: How Do I Cancel A Delivery/ Goods Received note or line?

You can cancel a whole delivery note with the status of “Entered”  using RSS320Q Step 1 – Navigate Menus>SIMS Finance> RSS Options> Deliveries or you can type RSS320Q In the filter screen Step 2: Click the “Deliveries” button above, which will display the below screen: Step 3: You can either complete the above fields, add…

SIMS Finance: How Do I Cancel A Journal?

You can cancel a journal by taking the following route: Step 1: Navigate Menus>SIMS Finance> General Ledger> Journal Date Entry> Journal Reversal Facility or you can  NML350 in the Filter box as displayed below: Step 2 Click the Journal reversal button which will then display the below window, click the Journal referance spy glass to…

SIMS Finance : Top Tips

  Every ledger code has access to all datasets: Dataset 1             Actuals Dataset 2             Original budget Dataset 3             Revised budget Dataset 4             Commitments Dataset 5             GRN not invoiced Dataset 6             GRN accumulated Dataset 7             Transaction consolidation   Modules SIM Finance is module based with a work flow pattern between the modules:   PRL         Purchase Ledger…

SIMS Finance – How do I Cancel an Individual Order Line?

You can cancel an individual Line Order with a status of “Entered” Step 1: Navigate to Menus>SIMS Finance>RSS Options> Purchase Orders>RSS310Q or you can type RSS310Q in the filter box as detailed below Click the purchase order button to display the following: Remove the ticks that are not relevant for your search i.e leave a…

CTF site specific patch

All Schools:  If you would like the site specific patch please log a service request with Scomis. Hosted Schools:  After you have logged a service request the patch (script) will be run on your data and the results will be placed in the F:\Public\Updates folder.  You will be emailed when this step is complete.  Please Skip to Step…

SIMS Finance: How do I cancel a Purchase order

Purchase orders that have not been Authorised You can cancel a purchase order with a status as “Entered” by selecting the following route: Step 1: Navigate Menus>SIMS Finance>RSS Options> Purchase Orders>RSS310Q or you can type RSS310Q in the filter box as detailed below Step 2: The Header Restrictions screen is displayed, All check boxes show…

SIMS Finance: How do I can cancel an Invoice?

  Scenario 1 – Invoices That Have Not Been Authorised You can cancel an invoice if the status is not showing as “awaiting certification” i.e awaiting authorisation.  The Finance officer that has permissions to authorise an invoice can cancel the invoice.   Step 1 Navigate Menus>SIMS Finance>PRL Options and drill down to PRL300Q or you…

What is the difference between CRD and CKD within Edit PI and should I say YES to recollate the PI memberships?

Collating PI Data (Resetting Discounting) Click the CRD button on the Edit PI Data page. If this option is selected, all manual Discounting ticks recorded in the Performance Results grid are discarded on collation. Only the automatic Discounting rules are applied. Collating PI Data (Keeping Discounting) Click the CKD button on the Edit PI Data…

GDPR – Deleting Pupil/Student Data in Bulk (Manually)

  Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Delete Pupil Data Following the Sims Summer 2018 Upgrade to assist schools in being GDPR compliant, it is now possible for a school to bulk delete pupil/student data in line with the Schools own data retention policies. The following data areas can now be deleted: Alerts Attendance…

SIMS Manage Performance Indicator Setup for Science Trilogy Double Award GCSE

What is the Science Trilogy Double Award? Where students don’t want to take separate individual science qualifications, they can choose to combine all three science areas (trilogy) into a single GCSE which covers the content equivalent to two GCSEs (double award). What QNs cover this Qualification? Referring to the DfE KS4 2022 Performance Points spreadsheet,…

How to add items to Favourites panel on Sims .net Home Page

This section works itself out and cannot be added to manually. To force an item (eg Edit Marks) go to Focus>Attendance>Edit Marks – then close it – a few times and then click the refresh button top right of the Favourite Panel and it will appear kb22125  

Bill Payer – How to bill an agency

These instructions will take you through creating a Company Bill Payer and linking the Company to a student. 1 A Company Bill Payer should be created and the student added to the financial details area of the Company Record   2. The Company Bill Payer will be visible in the Pupil Fees Details screen, 3….

Error when entering leaving date of a pupil

If you are entering the leaving date for a pupil, you may get an error message such as “Invalid DOL” or “Invalid Scenario” If you get any sort of error message, make sure the leaving date you are entering and any of the previous leaving dates in School History are all on school days and…

System Manager Reports – Staff Permissions

You can now run reports in SIMS that will show staff and what permissions they have within SIMS.   1 – Go to Reports – Run Report. 2 – Select Staff from under focus and scroll down to System Manager. 3 – The two reports shown at the bottom can show you what staff are…

Doubling up teachers for classes running at the same time

The way to double up teachers in SIMS is to go to the class timetable. This can be done via Timetable > New > Group and selecting the year, block and group. This will show you the classes under the group. When you right click the class you can select the option to Add Staff….

Discover – Can you filter graphs to show data between a date range?

Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available within Discover (a change request has been logged with Capita). However ‘Termly graphs’ have been included in the Autumn 2013 release of Discover. These will include reports to show termly Behaviour points, Achievement points and Percentage Session Attendance.

Updated HCSS Web Companion – Hosted Schools Only

The HCSS Web Companion has been redeployed to all Hosted schools following an update from HCSS. The companion is now running version 5.1.7 The first change is the name of the shortcut that appears under Launcher and FMS. Rather than the FPS Web Companion you should now have the FPS Budget Companion. If you do…

Downloading the HCSS Web Companion – Non Hosted Schools

Non Hosted schools will need to re-download the HCSS Web Companion due to changes that HCSS have implemented. In order to download the companion you will need to log into the HCSS Web Portal and go to the School tab. From here you should be able to select “Download Web Companion” as shown in the…

Making Private Reports Public

If you have previously created a report within SIMS and made it private but would now like to make it public, you will need to do the following. 1 – Go to Reports – Design Report – Open Existing Report   2 – Open up the Private Report that you want to make public. Click Save…

Adding new Dietary Needs for use in pupil records

When adding dietary needs including allergies to a pupil record, the options you need to enter may not be available. You can add in any extra options in here by following these instructions.   1 – Go to Tools – Lookups – Maintain  2 – Press ‘Search’ and scroll to find ‘Dietary Needs‘ and double…

Individual Session Summary Report – Print more than one student on one page

The Individual Session Summary Report (Reports/Attendance/Individual Pupil Reports/Individual Session Summary Report) will only display one student’s attendance details per page.  Unfortunately it is not possible to change this. As a workaround, please follow the instructions below: Open File Manager Choose a destination (Eg: F:/Public/Updates) Right click on the white background and select New/Microsoft Word Document. …

EYFS Results not showing in CTF

In order for the EYFS results to appear in the CTF for submission to your LA, you will need to make sure that you “Calculate” the marksheet and save.  

How to Add Non-EDI Results

Adding Non EDI Results In SIMS select Tools | Examinations | Edit PI Data and click OK to confirm an up-to-date download. The system will collate then calculate the PI data. In the YTI drop-down list select Curriculum Year 11 and then click Search. Click the left-hand checkbox for the students required. Notice that the…