Exams – Making Amendments

Once an entries submission has been made, changes to these entries may need to be made. Changes to entries can be made in Examinations Organiser and then an amendment file can be created and sent to the exam board. Focus > Candidates > Internal > Select the Student On the Internal Candidate Details screen, select tab…

Cover Browse Showing In Red When All Periods Have Been Covered

A day in the Cover Diary browse is showing in red but there are no periods requiring cover This is caused by a staff member having two instances of absence, one absence was added and the cover was entered and then another absence has been added which overlaps the original absence. See the example in…

How to add a Superannuation change

Once there has been a new superannuation rate agreed it needs to be entered into Sims .net Go to Tools>Staff>Superannuation Search for the required scheme Click on the New button on the right Enter the date of the agreement and the value – this is a percentage but do not enter the %% character Click…

Unable to send InTouch emails

Send option is greyed out in InTouch so emails cannot be completed. As well as a valid email address in the To field please make sure there is text in both the Subject line and in the main body of the message.

PX Adding Clusters to a block

 Make sure in the Monitor and all PX schools the class and block identifier is the same (In the classes screen, double click on the class and edit class identifier) In Data / Define Partnership blocks make sure the block is defined as a cluster block in Monitor and all PX schools.

Using the Scomis – External Connector Diagnostics tool

The Scomis External Connector Diagnostics tool is located in C:\Support\ after the installation of an External connector. It can alternatively be downloaded directly from here. If you have just installed an external connector and it is not working run this tool. Check IP Addresses:Click on Check IP addresses, if it only shows one address: –…

Assigning a teacher to two classes in the same block at the same time

There are 2 alternatives: 1. Use Minimum Periods In the Model screen, Increase the minimum periods of, for example, a 5 period block, to 6 periods.  Do this by right clicking on the block and choosing Minimum Periods. In the block screen drag all but one of the classes on to fit in with the…

Unable to format dates in Excel reports

To format the date in the report as required after export to excel, please follow the below mentioned steps: Select the column with the dates in the Excel spreadsheet. Select Data tab on the menu bar and click the button that says ‘Text to Columns’. A wizard will now appear. Select ‘Delimited’ in Step 1 click ‘Next’,…

Extended Collection of Learning Aims

The EFA need all learning aims to be included regardless of the duration, including the learning aims that did not reach the qualifying period (6 weeks or more).  We understand that the qualifying period still has significance for funding. Capita have modified their coding to ensure that they no longer take account of the qualifying period when adding learning…

Reason for Withdrawal from a Learning Aim

Reason for Withdrawal will be collected for the first time in the Autumn 2015 School Census and is mandatory if a student withdraws from a course from the start of the 2015/2016 year. There is no need to backdate if you have withdrawals in the 2014/2015 year. The Reason lookup appears when you end a membership to a…

How to add a UKPRN (Post 16 providers)

UKPRN’s are mandatory for Post 16 Learning Aims in the Autumn 2015 School Census if the establishment delivering the learning aim is not funded by the DfE.  As most schools are colleges are funded by the DfE most schools will not have to add UKPRN’s to their learning aims. If your school is delivering all…

How can I add more to the Medical Event lookup?

To add more options under a medical event i.e. additional options under the Immunisation list. Tools> Maintain Medical Event > Search Select the relevant Event Type i.e. Immunisation and double click to open it > Values section > Click New Enter the Code and Description and click Save To see the changes, you will need to log out of SIMS and go…

Create new Head Teacher Service Term

The School Teachers’ Pay Award 2015 has now been finalised.   The full document is available from the link below.  Please use this document to access the latest Pay Award tables. 2015 LGA school teacher pay circular FINAL pdf In addition there are 3 updated TLRs and 1 SEN: TLR1  £7546 –  £12770 TLR2  £2613 –  £6386 TLR3  £517   – £2577 SEN £2064…

How to change the level of a Course in SIMS

If the course is showing at the wrong level but the year has not yet started, then the school will need to update the levels in Tools / Assign Levels – assigning the right level at year, block and class level and then re-send the timetable.  This will update SIMS. If the year has already…

Trying to access Focus | Admission | Application and get fault ‘3295-6410’

When users try to access the route Focus | Admission | Application they receive fault ‘3295-6410’ Focus | Admission | Application they receive fault ‘3295-6410′ You do not have the rights to set up Admission Groups : SIMS.processes.processunavailableexception’ This is occurring since upgrading to 7.164. WorkAround The ability of a user with Assessment Co-ordinator or…

How do I report on a previous year’s attendance data?

1. Select Reports | Attendance (or Lesson Monitor) and then the required report to display the selected report browser. 2. Specify the required date range, ensuring that the dates fall within the attendance year for which you want to run the report. 3. Specify additional report criteria, if applicable, and then click the Print button….

Update Prior Attainment – populate from Exams

The Update Prior Attainment panel was introduced in the Summer 2015 release as it is mandatory to collect prior attainment in Maths and English at GCSE for Post 16 students in the Autumn 2015 census.   Tools / Statutory Return Tools / Update Prior Attainment The criteria used when populating the Prior Attainment grid with data…

Sending an Immediate B2B task

In order to create an Immediate task within SIMS you will need to do the following: 1. Go to Routines – Data Exchange – Manage Tasks   2. Click on Search and select Immediate Task              3. Once within the Immediate task you will need to alter the configuration.  …

Hosted Connector Gateway Override

From version v5.20 of the Scomis Hosted connector, it is possible for an administrator to set a Gateway Override setting that will force the connection method to always use the specified connection.  This is done by setting a registry key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. How to set the Gateway override Administrators will need to…

Key Stage – How do I amend an incorrect grade in a marksheet?

Locate the relevant Marksheet via Tools>Performance>Assessment>Wizard Manager. Open the Marksheet and right click on the cell with the incorrect grade. This will allow you to view/edit the result history as per the screenshot below (Click on the image for a larger version). Highlight the grade to be removed and click the delete icon (red cross)…

How to use the Assessment Mapping Tool

SIMS has introduced a new utility enabling users to map Aspect and Result Sets that have been defined in school with those defined by Capita SIMS. This is known as the Mapping Tool. Once a school has mapped their assessment aspects and result sets to those provided by Capita, the associated assessment results will become…

FPS Web Companion Software – Hosted Applications Customers Instructions

FPS Web companion is a piece of software (provided by HCSS/Capita) that allows users to perform budget planning tasks. The software has two components that extract data from a SIMS or FMS database. These components are known as the FMS link and the P7 link software. This software is now available to all of our Hosted Application customers. If you wish…

How to import Early Year Progress Grids

If you want to use the Progress Grids for Early Years Assessment you will need to import the Templates file. To do this go to: Routines – Data In – Assessment – Import Click the browse button and go to the following location: Hosted Schools: F:\Public\AMPA\[REGION]\Assessing Pupil Progress\Grid Templates Non-Hosted Schools: C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMS\SIMS.net\AMPA\[REGION]\Assessing Pupil Progress\Grid…

Exporting Attendance or Lesson Monitor reports to Excel

The inbuilt Attendance and Lesson Monitor reports are designed to output to a web browser such as Internet Explorer. It is possible to export the data from the web browser to Microsoft Excel. After running your report it will open a new window and you will see your information. If you right click on the…

Supplier Payee – LEA Reference warning message

When adding PAYEE details in the ‘Payment To’ section on a supplier in FMS, when saving after adding the LEA Reference you may get a warning that the reference is being used on another supplier. If this is true, just click OK. It is common for multiple suppliers to use the same Payee. If this is not true, further…

Abolition of Employer National Insurance for Under 21s

The Government announced their intention to abolish National Insurance contributions for under-21s for the 2015-16 tax year, providing a significant financial incentive for businesses of all sizes to employ young people.  Under-21 employees earning more than £42,285 per annum are considered above the Upper Earnings Limit and employer NIC will be liable as normal, however this will affect…