3. Migration

The Migration Process While Scomis are performing the migration the school will still be able continue as normal without the access to SIMS and other applications listed below. A. During Migration School staff can use computers in the school for email, Internet, MS Office access but must not use SIMS, FMS or related applications on…

2. Pre-migration Preparation

 SIMS database health checks, data and Docstorage cleansing There are a number of housekeeping routines within SIMS .net to keep the database performing at its best which users may not have carried out recently.  Prior to migrating onto the service we ask that the following housekeeping tasks are completed.  You will need to be a…

1. Service evaluation: Is this suitable for your school ?

In this section you will be evaluating your sites connectivity to the Scomis platform, printing requirements and staff use of SIMS to ensure Scomis Hosted Application Service is suitable for you. A. Connectivity requirements The Scomis Hosted Application Service uses Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol which is a very efficient network protocol and is reliant on…

Migration to Hosted Applications

This documentation will guide you through a successful implementation of the Scomis Hosted Application Service from your current school hosted environment. It is intended for the Schools SIMS Data Manager (Or similar role) to use and will require input from other members of staff such as the Network Manager & Exams Officer to ensure the…

Locking and Unlocking Examinations Organiser Marksheets.

Marksheets created in Examinations Organiser can be made read-only, enabling their data to still be viewed while preventing them from being edited. This would be particularly useful when working with entry marksheets, where the submission file has been sent to the examination board and you do not want any changes to be made to the…

How do I add an exceptional circumstance for attendance?

Y and # codes cannot be entered through the register, a member of admin staff will need to follow this routine: Go to Focus>Attendance>Exceptional Circumstances (or Focus>Lesson Monitor>Exceptional Circumstances) Click new Enter the dates you require Select group type (e.g Whole School if the school had to be closed or Individual pupil if someone was…

How can I run a Staff Training Report?

This can be done one of 2 ways either by Staff or by Training Course By Staff Select Reports | Personnel | Staff Training Enter a Start Date & End Date. In the Selected Staffs panel click the New button and search for and staff you would like to report on Click the Open button….

How do I create a new course in Course Manager?

Tools | Academic Management | Course Manager | Maintain Course | New and is made up of seven panels, you will need to complete Panels. 1. Duration and Tolerance -This panel is a new addition to the SIMS summer 2012 release and displays the course duration, continuity tolerance and completion tolerance. The default settings from…

How to Map Network Drive in Windows 7

Please note – Microsoft will no longer offer security fixes for Windows 7 from January 2020, upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible. Open Windows Explorer by double clicking on the Computer icon on the Desktop. Click on Tools menu and select Map Network Drive… option as shown above. If this Menu does not…

How do I split Basedata to separate Certification elements into separate awards?

We have received many calls to the helpdesk regarding linking awards to courses in SIMS, where the Basedata Award imported into Examinations may contain more than one certification element. This can cause problems within Course Manager due to the fact you can only link one award to one course, so results for both certifications will…

When importing a CTF I get an error message about Duplicate Free School Meals

When importing a CTF users are getting the error message ‘The CTF cannot be imported as duplicate Free School Meals entries have been identified in your database’. If you get this message please call the Service Desk for the relevant patch. Service Desk: Patch 22112 should be applied  if the school is on v7.194  …

Schoolcomms Missing from Focus Menu.

 Hosted Service School’s please contact Scomis Service Desk on 01392 385300 to request that Patch 17755 be applied to the School dataset. The below information is for Non Hosted Services Schools. Schoolcomms have been made aware by Capita of a fault in the SIMS Autumn release which will affect schools accessing Schoolcomms from the SIMS Focus…

How do I Allocate Extra Time to a Candidate with Special Arrangements?

Once a candidate has been made eligible for Special Arrangements, it is possible to assign to them additional time for an examination sitting How do I make Candidate Eligible for Special Arrangements? Click the Seating Organiser button on the Application Bar or select Focus |Seating Organiser to display the Seating Organiser Component browser. Click the…

How do I make Candidate Eligible for Special Arrangements?

Select Focus | Candidates | Internal to display the Internal  Candidate browser. Highlight the candidate for whom you want to grant Special Arrangements and click the View/Edit button to display the Internal Candidate Details form. The Basic Details page will be selected automatically. Select the Special Arrangements browse Icon. One of the available Items is…

How is the PI Cohort Calculated?

Pi Cohort populates from the census and can be used by the performance analysis to analyse the performance in your school. You need to collect all the exam results for the candidates in the current season so that when collating your examination results they are successfully put into up to two groups. The first group which is named…

How do I add an External or Historic Exam Result?

To add a historic result or a result for an Exam taken externally to Student Details Exams link, you will need to enter the result by doing the following: In SIMS Tools | Examinations  | External Results | Manual Entry |Double click on the student | Add result Enter all of the information for the student’s result….

Write Off information for Accounts Receivable within FMS

When an Invoice is created in Accounts Receivable the sum of money is credited to the Ledger Code for that “product” e.g. Lettings which is also linked to the Lettings Income Cost Centre for example. The VAT is credited to the VAT standard rate income Ledger Code and the whole sum is debited to the…

Can I add new Attendance codes to SIMS?

You can add new Attendance Codes and any new code would need to be linked to a Statutory DfE code. To do this go to Tools | Attendance Setup |  Codes | Maintain Codes. Click NEW. You will see you can set up a new code and then ‘Link to Reg Mark’ You can report…

What is a ULN?

What is a ULN? A Unique Learner Number is a 10-digit number which is unique to the learner and is used in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Why do we need the ULN? A ULN will be used by awarding organisations to populate a central Personalised Learner Record (LR) in relation to qualifications achieved by…

New Options when Exporting a CTF.

The Autumn upgrade has introduced new options when choosing to export a CTF Routines >  Data Out > Export CTF. You will now be faced with 2 Export Type options. General – This is the default option which will take you into the export CTF window you are familiar with. ULN Request/ Update – This…

How do I request a pupil’s ULN ?

Routines | Data Out | CTF | Export CTF Select option ULN Request/Update. Select the pupils who require a ULN. All students 14 & above will require a ULN Number You must not include pupils whose data you have been asked to protect. This typically includes pupils in witness protection programmes, vulnerable learners, and certain…

Using the CTF Matching Screen

The CTF Matching routine enables you to define how a record in a CTF is imported into SIMS. It also enables you to select a record in the CTF that matches a record in your SIMS database then update the SIMS database with any missing details. The method used to match a record in the…

How do I get extra columns in Take Register such as DOB, Quick Note or SEN?

The columns are SIMS User specific e.g. different columns can display for different SIMS Users. Each user must set their own Student Identification Columns. It is not possible for the columns to be set globally. There are to ways to views these extra columns. You can add the following columns Admission Number SEN Quick Note Year…