Planned End date different in School Census

The planned end date is showing different in the Update Learning Aims panel in the School Census to that in Course Manager and is bright yellow. The Update Learning Aims panel will show the original planned end date for YPLA matching purposes.  The advice from the Dfe is not to change it – it is…

Inconsistent font size in generated profiles report

If the inconsistent font is from a teachers comment or a comment inserted from the comment bank, check the following 1.  Check the default font size in the comment bank.  This is the font set in the List Entry Screen and is applied to typed as well as inserted comments. 2.  If the session is set…

Switching from a single to a double award

Students following a single award course may be identified as able to enter the double award exam – what is the correct way of dealing with this in Course Manager? You will need to create a new double award course and transfer the students from the single award course to the double award course.  Failure…

Dual Registered Students and Consortiums

The Post 16 Learning Aims will be collected for all Main – Dual Registered students.  Therefore schools who are in a consortium who have Main – Dual Registered students should record ALL the learning aims for these students whether they take place at the school site or at another school. Post 16 Learning aims will NOT…

Two year courses support enhanced from the 2015-2016 year

Support for 2-year courses has been enhanced from the 2015-2016 year.  Setting the duration for 2 years will automatically set the membership for each student with an end date which reflects the 2 year duration, e.g. start date  …/09/2015 -end date will automatically default to …./07/2017. If the level (e.g. GCE2Y) is always a 2…

Adding a new QAN/Discount Code to an existing course

Care needs to be taken when doing this to avoid backdating the change to previous years, or creating duplicate learning aims.  Please follow the steps below: Check that you are working in the correct academic year in Tools / Academic Management / Set Academic Year Tools / Academic Management / Course Manager / Maintain Courses…

How do I export the Certification Broadsheet Report?

To export the Certification Broadsheet Report as a CSV file, 1. Select the criteria for the Certification Broadsheet. 2. Do not click on Print as you will not be able to view AND Export the Report. 3. To Export the Report, click on the Export button immediately after selecting the criteria. 4. Save file as…

How can I view examination results?

Once the result file has been imported, there are several ways to view the results. Report for Statement of Results, Report for Broadsheets (for Certifications only), Report for Subject Grade Analysis, Result Marksheet, Consolidated Marksheet, Exporting the Examination Results into a CSV file. Or you can view the results through Tools | External Results |…

How do I attach QCA Subject codes?

To enable Performance Analysis,  it is necessary to enter QCA subject codes into basedata if they have not already been supplied by the Boards. To attach QCA codes, Use Focus | Basedata to open the Basedata window showing the Basedata for the current season. Expand e.g. EDEXL/GCE to show the Series 6C06_EDEXL GCE. Expand this…

Import SIMS .net Reports after an Upgrade

Hosted Service (Terminal Server) School  & Upgrade Service School please follow Reports > Import > Click Open and if neccessary browse to F/Public/ Browse to the latest version of the pre-defined report.rptdef file  – e.g. ‘Predefined Reports_v7.162.rptdef’ where 7.162 is the version of the SIMS .net you are now on.  Click Open Click Check All and…

SIMS .net Permission Groups yellow triangle

Testing and advice from Capita indicates that any changes you have made to the Capita default permission groups will persist for the time being.  After the summer upgrade in Focus / System / Manage Groups such groups will show with a yellow warning triangle to indicate this is a Capita permission group which has been…

How do I Import the Assessment Wizards for the Foundation Stage Profile

1.Select Routines | Data In | Assessment | Import. 2.Select the file to import by clicking the browser (magnifying glass) button, then select C:\Program Files\SIMS\\AMPA. Terminal Server schools please click here for your file path. 3.Select C:\Program Files\SIMS\SIMS .net\AMPA\England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary)\Assessment Manager. 4.There are two Foundation Stage Profiles (FSP) Wizards. If you…

How to Export the Reports Using the Key Stage Manager Wizard

If you wish to use the Key Stage Manager Wizard to export the results to a XML file: — 1. Click the Next button on the Individual Report screen. —   2.  The Group Membership Dates display the current academic year by default. If you wish to change these dates click the Refresh button to…

Options registration group not showing/disappeared

See KB 55341 – From the Implementation Manager, make a backup of the implementation. Re-import the students from the SQL database.  When the re-import is done, the students will appear on the right hand side of the screen and should be left there.  Click OK and check that there is a tick in the box…

Can ledger codes be deleted

08/12/2010 Before deleting a ledger code ensure the following have been checked : 1. The ledger code has not been used in the financial year 2. Delete any cost centre links to the ledger code 3. Remove any reference to the ledger code in Budget Planning (Focus>Budget Planning). 4. A ledger code must not be used…