Setting up Teachers2Parents on Scomis hosted applications platform

Teachers 2 parents now uses Wonde to upload data- if you wish to use Teachers 2 Parents with Scomis Hosted please contact Teachers 2 Parents about moving to Wonde . If you wish to use the old application please see the advise below:   Scomis host Teachers2Parents on our hosted SIMS platform. If your school…

ARCHIVE -Remote backup – Accounts not backed up

NEW PROCEDURES IN PLACE Step 1: The ‘Accounts that have not backed up email’ is sent to the service desk and to supportworks. Within supportworks the email will need to be moved across to the folder entitled ‘Backups. This will need to be done by the person that is on the early. The person that…

Move a school to a different server

From time to time it my be necessary to move a schools SIMS and FMS databases to a different server.  These are the outline steps that are required for doing this. Move Database Use DBAttach to detach the schools databases. Move them onto the Target Server Reattach the Databases Update schools Connect.ini, FMSConnect.ini, DatabaseSelector INI…

Schoolcomms – Recording VAT

If your school sells items such as book bags online via SchoolComms you will need to inform County/HMRC of the VAT element, in order that the monies can be reclaimed. At the moment there is no defined way for a school to mark a payment request as being VAT applicable within Schoolcomms. This would make…

Groupcall Emerge – Profile not compatible error on Android phone

Issue You have downloaded the Groupcall Emerge app on your Android device and are logging in, and the following error message is displayed. Resolution Contact Scomis service desk so the Server and Network team can login to the Emerge Management console and change your user profile from Senior Management Team or Teacher to Original SMT…

5. Completion Sign Off

After the post-migration has been completed. The school will then have to complete these final processes to sign off the migration. The school will need to check all migrated databases are correct (acceptance testing), all users able to access the service and are able to print to a compatible printer. The completed sign off form…

Migration to Hosted Applications

This documentation will guide you through a successful implementation of the Scomis Hosted Application Service from your current school hosted environment. It is intended for the Schools SIMS Data Manager (Or similar role) to use and will require input from other members of staff such as the Network Manager & Exams Officer to ensure the…

How to configure your iPad to use a Proxy Server

Some networks require you to use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server is another computer or device that acts as an intermediary between you and the Internet by relaying your requests to a server and the servers responses back to you. Unfortunately, this type of setup requires you to specify certain…

Nortel – Adding MAC addresses – Part 1: Logging into the system

First the easy bit…. How to connect to the Netmon Terminal Server in order to use the Nortel WSS software… Log onto the Netmon box using RDP – or (click start/run and type mstsc in the ‘open’ box) or follow the prompts below: Hit ‘Start’ and ‘Run’, type in mstsc click OK Click…

How to connect to an iPad to a Wireless Network

How to connect to an iPad to a Wi-Fi or Wireless Network   To connect your iPad to a wireless network : 1) Start the iPad. 2) Tap on the Settings icon… 3) Once in the settings application, you will be in the screen shown below, tap on the Wi-Fi category to get to the screen…

Using Teachernet and Collect with Hosted Applications

When using Teachernet or Collect with SIMS on Hosted Applications you must  use the links from the left hand panel  on SIMS to access them, other wise you will not be able to import and export files to and from SIMS. If any of the links that you need are missing, your main administrator or ICT technician should…

How to stop the following pop up message in Internet Explorer – The current web page is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?

You may encounter the following error relating to various websites you try and open – Since the site is trusted, you may not want to bother with having to click YES every time you visit it? You can disable this message by doing the following – 1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options….

The edit options are greyed out on my report

When saving reports from Sims .net the edit options such as Data sort are greyed out – this is in Excel 2010. If the header bar, besides giving the file name, also says Group:- 1. Right click on the ‘Sheet 1’ tab at the bottom 2. Choose Ungroup KB6568     Reviewed 29/04/2015

GroupCall Emerge on Terminal Server

Groupcall Emerge is an innovative app for iPhone, iPod and iPad devices that enables schools to have an up to the minute copy of SIMS data on a hand held device.